Well I just go back from the show...
This is probably one of the best shows I've ever been to in a very long period of time...
I was very nervous about talking to Billy but after a few beers I eventually had a conversation with him...had little bit of small talk...then when back inside..interesting guy...
later I found a guys wallet on the ground & turned into the bar...someguy named "Duane" is probably a very happy person right now...
other than mod that played were three other bands...
I don't remmeber the names of the bands but..
the first band was a "happy" punk band....meh
the second band was a xHardCorex band....very interesting band..two thumps up...
the third band was your basic thrash metal band...they sucked..I didn't like them...meh..
then mod came on...
awesome band...I loved the bass sound & the drums were awesome. & the guitar was great aswell...
they played bubblebutt about five or six times tonight...each time was awesome...I need to make bubblebutt my official ringtone in the future...
they played 'milano mosh' 'kill yourself' 'aren't you hungry''united forces' 'Fuck the Middle East' 'the ballad of Kurt Cobain' the ballad of jimmy hendrix...I think they played a part of a styx song & love boat song..& few others..
also the Duane Peters of the U.S. Bombs showed up...& Billy was very exciting about that due to managing the band about seven years ago...interesting I guess...
also the xHardCorex singer came out sang a couple songs with mod...very funny guy...He has a strong hate with people with beards..which was even more funny...
pittbulls = lame
I feel like every time I go to a show in dallas....I feel like I'm in star trek convention...
people walking around the club with pitt bulls t shirts on...
I've known these people for YEARS...there just there to harm people ...
also Billy mentioned me during show...he said he was gonna kick my ass...