m160, best "cream" mic ever!

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
guys, you know I love the sm57!!!
but it does have that certain crisp, tight and clear sound...
I was just doing reamps for a client who wanted an Amon Amarth kinda sound and the SM57 just didn't cut it for that smooth creamy, almost muddy and "smeared" kinda sound....added the m160 and voila....right there!

I'm really not using this mic often enough, it's so fucking awesome if you don't want that uber crisp and definied sound....try it guys I'm madly in love with it
Lasse, have you compared the m160 to the Royer R121? I'm always GASing for ribbons, and I started to consider the m160 more recently.
Lasse, have you compared the m160 to the Royer R121? I'm always GASing for ribbons, and I started to consider the m160 more recently.

I've owned both so I'll weigh in.

The Royer is thicker and fuller, with darker high-mids and highs, and I love that you can record from the back end for more brightness and less bass. I got the best results backing the Royer off from the source a bit.

The M160 is tighter/thinner (but not thin sounding), with very prominent midrange and more highs than the Royer. It's also worth noting that the M160 is hypercardioid (most ribbons are figure-8), which changes the way you'll potentially use it somewhat. It has a tight polar pattern and little bleed, and you can use it more like a traditional dynamic mic. I'd definitely agree that it's a "creamy" sounding mic.

I personally prefer the Royer as an all-around great mic, though the M160 still excels in many situations (acoustic guitar, female vocals, crunchy guitar amps). It's easily the best ribbon I've ever heard for under $1000.
I haven't compared them diectly yet, but I'm GASsing hard for a Royer...
on the other hand, the m160 is never too bright, if anything it needs some brightening and some shelving down the lows....so if the Royer is even darker I'm not sure I'd prefer it over the m160 for high gain stuff..

Thanks for your opinion though Cory!

my next 3 mic purchases:

TLM 103
Shure beta 91
Royer R121

But I've got heaps of stuff to buy before I get more mics, so it'll be some months/years