mac pro question:

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
I found a great deal on ebay for a mac pro Intel Xeon Dual-Core (3ghz)

My question:

Would buying this baby make sense?

I own a macbook pro 3.1. (with intel core duo 2.4ghz)

The mac pro is way superior in all other things like HD, ram ..... but I have no idea about that cpu shit.

So please help me.

I want a step up but dont have the cash for a 3k mac pro.
But with my macbook pro I came to limits performance wise....

So long story short:
I´m affraid a hackintosh will fuck me up, after some updates so I´m looking into mac pros.

would the Intel Xeon Dual-Core 3 ghz be a real step up?

I got a used mac pro 3 years ago. I don't even remember the specs, but I don't see myself needing an upgrade for probably another 2 years or more. You could look at slightly older models that will fit your budget and still get you a great machine that will last a while.