Mackie Onyx 1200f V.S Mackie Onyx 1620

Line Level Recordings

New Metal Member
Jun 29, 2009
hey guys
right now im using a firestudio project:puke:
and im really not feeling it.

i tried my buddies onyx 800r and i compared a raw track from my firestudio project and to the onyx and it was basically night and day difference

and i notice my guitar tracks are kinda noisey after trying out another interface.

so i did some research and found out about the onyx 1200f
this one really got my attention

but i read on some random ass forums that the 1620 and the 1200f are both good contenders. "one says ones better, the other says the others better" kinda deal.

can someone share their knowledge and understanding with me?

thanks :headbang:
Onyx 1200F is discontinued, doesn't work properly on any Mac and lots of people have reported tons of issues. I would stay away from Mackie completely. But if you are going to buy anything from them, I would try the new 1640i, but wait until you know it is reliable.
Onyx 1200F is discontinued, doesn't work properly on any Mac and lots of people have reported tons of issues. I would stay away from Mackie completely. But if you are going to buy anything from them, I would try the new 1640i, but wait until you know it is reliable.

I have to agree; my 400F sounds fantastic but the driver stability is a bit dodgy
well now that you mention mackie not being very faithful
i guess i should look elsewhere
thanks for the heads up!

but i need an interface with adlease 8 analog pres that has a talk back option( perferably )
im just mainly looking for good pres! :p

my recordings are kind of suffering
i recorded a song with my buddies interface* he let me borrow it for a week or so )
and it sounded great, too bad i dont have a copy of the track

but now comparing it to my tunes
its shit

heres a sample of what i mean .. SAmple.mp3

yea i know its limited to fucking hell

but besides that
any other interfaces that you guys would recommend that would circle the price range of a grand that would be similar to the 1200f ?

thanks for all your help :)
Have you thought about investing in one or two really nice preamps and just bypassing the pres on your firestudio? I know that wouldn't help for drums but since everything else is usually just one or two channels at once, that might be an option....
Well, I am not sure about the dbx unit, I have never heard or used one but I was talking more along the lines of getting just one super nice pre for all your single channel stuff, like an api or greatriver or something.

However, the problem might be that you just don't like the presonus converters.
thats what im thinking

what interfaces with adleast 8 analog pres with good converters would you recommend?

around the quality of the mackie onyx 800R
well now that you mention mackie not being very faithful
i guess i should look elsewhere
thanks for the heads up!

but i need an interface with adlease 8 analog pres that has a talk back option( perferably )
im just mainly looking for good pres! :p

my recordings are kind of suffering
i recorded a song with my buddies interface* he let me borrow it for a week or so )
and it sounded great, too bad i dont have a copy of the track

but now comparing it to my tunes
its shit

heres a sample of what i mean .. SAmple.mp3

yea i know its limited to fucking hell

but besides that
any other interfaces that you guys would recommend that would circle the price range of a grand that would be similar to the 1200f ?

thanks for all your help :)

Jesus dude Don;t just listen to 2 people and just totally change your mind about a product

I got a 400f and i think it sounds great......I get an occasional pop here and there but nothing crazy....It's still a great piece of gear

Marcus i'm beginning to think you really don't like you mackie....before i bought this thing that's all you would talk about.
Haha, I still like it Josh, it works great and for the price the quality of the preamps and AD/DA can't be beat - but I've read a lot of testimonials on other forums (found via googling) about reliability issues with it, and occasionally I'll have to restart my computer (or reinstall the drivers) to get it working again, so if I recorded anyone other than myself and had clients who were on the clock, I'd want something more stable! (but I don't, so it's cool :D)
i had a live jam session with a 1200F the other day, 10 mics on drums fully eq'd

plus pod farm and svx on bass and 4 amp sims on guitars

worked flawlessly at 128 buffer rate :)

which is like 5 ms
I had some issues with my 400F under Vista, you couldn't get anything useful from it no matter what settings.. after I downgraded back to XP, it has been great. I was thinking about upgrading but this is a trusty unit that sounds great so that's one vote for the Mackie brand here.. that 1620 looks very cool.
dispite what everyone has told me about the cons on the 1200f
i still love it lol

im still researching whether it will go with my mac ( as compatibility and stability goes )

and apperently its ..DISCONTINUED?!?!?!?!


i have and use the onxy 1620 with the add. firewire card for like aprox. 5 years, i dont know exactly if its 4 years or 6 years.. doesnt matter.
In this time i have used it on 3 different computers and it never has crashed once, no driver problems.. nothing!!
all the knobs and faders are still working very good, no crackles etc..

I had the Tascam US-122 before, that was also stable but it has crashed occasionaly, but the mackie never did!

I´m very happy with it but the only negative thing i can say about it is that it has only 1 routable stereo output via firewire and that is really annoying when you want to reamp and need to unplug / plug your cable sets all the time..
dispite what everyone has told me about the cons on the 1200f
i still love it lol

im still researching whether it will go with my mac ( as compatibility and stability goes )

and apperently its ..DISCONTINUED?!?!?!?!


Yes I already told you it's discontinued. I had it for over a year. I just sold it to CatharsisStudios on here because I bought a Mac and IT WILL NOT WORK UNDER OS X. Clicks and pops CONSTANTLY, the driver is useless.;f=27;t=002244#000000