maddox the pirate is writing a book

wayne the goblin/robot

Im done with this *****
Dec 30, 2004
well, this is good news i suppose but for those who dont know maddox dont bother asking just type the name on a search engine and youll see.......mwahahaha!!!
He's practically lost it based on his last few entries. He's almost completely gone to crap. Calling someone an asshole in every rant gets really old, really fast. His older work on the otherhand...
Silent Song said:
some of his stuff is funny, but what he would write a whole book on, i have no idea. probably will suck.

well he said 100% of it will not be from his website so..............i dont know

as to maddox getting real old real fast, that seems to be the case sometimes but every once in a while he comes up with the most awesome article (11 worst songs for example)
btw if you think maddox is bad you should see the thilo the ninjapirate
i love maddox, though he just hasnt written enough stuff lately and the articles arent as funny as they used to be. I'd like for him to get back on the game, but ah well. Not sure if I'd read the book unless it got rave reviews from his fanbase.
I've always found maddox's articles hilarious - some are better than others, but I don't think he's lost his touch. It's a shame there haven't been many updates recently, but I'd rather he took his time and made some really good updates instead of producing loads of rubbish ones. I imagine the book will sell pretty well give his notoriety and the bad reviews anyone humourless (majority of critics) will give it.

Maddox seems intolerant of a lot of things, but ignorance is something he hates the most. The amusing thing about this is that a lot of the people who he bashes are so stupid that they've become a large part of his fanbase. The article where he brought up the "mothers against maddox" site demonstrated this. The "mothers against maddox" set up a website and petition against maddox, and within a few hours of him posting the link on his site, hordes of ignorant fans had gone on to the petition and spammed it with stupid and hate-filled comments. The petition was taken down by the people who ran it, but there are loads of other petitions on the same site started by maddox fans full of really nasty comments about people against maddox.
I don't agree with what "mothers against maddox" were trying to do i.e. shut maddox's site down because of his apparent misogynism and general hatred of everything (if indeed, they genuinely were serious - I can see an actual fan creating it for a laugh), because the world needs people like maddox - outspoken people who can poke fun at political correctness, and the general disorder of the world. However, that's no reason for all these stupid fans to go on to a petition and start churning out "LoL!!111five u shuD d1E!!!111". They should let maddox do the insulting, because he can do it without making himself look like an idiot.
Maddox is great. He generally nails every topic right on the head. I especially enjoyed reading the topic on parents spanking their children, as well as the topic of real men. Good stuff.

I also enjoy reading his responses to the hate mail he gets. Funny stuff.
I'm going to break with the pattern and say that I think his newer articles are better than his old ones. I recently read his older stuff, and quite frankly, a lot of it is shit. His articles on Bush blow what he wrote about Clinton out of the water.
Riceloft said:
His newest article is garbage ("If you're too much of an impressionable idiot to watch "Sideways," then don't. "). He tried too hard or something, it came out very bad. Most of his stuff (new and old) is great though.

hey at least hes better than george least thats what i think. george carlin is just an old fart now whos clearly a democrat. at least maddox is niether republican or democrat( I happen to respect ents more than elves or men)
wayne the goblin/robot said:
hey at least hes better than george least thats what i think. george carlin is just an old fart now whos clearly a democrat. at least maddox is niether republican or democrat( I happen to respect ents more than elves or men)

What does political affiliation have to do with anything. And I guarantee you Maddox is either one or the other but he won't say it.