The BORED thread:


b-bert said:
Turn the computer off and read a book.

that's actually what I've been doing for the past couple of days.. reading American Psycho.. all I can say about myself now is.. holy shit.. so..mentally..disturbed.. I don't think this was a better option, coz now I'm gonna have nightmares :lol:
Ken, your sig is made of win and roses.

Might I suggest that, taking up those books in particular is a good way to relieve boredom. (especially shadow & claw, sword & citadel)

my signature, in order:

Top left row, left to right -
Endangered Species
Storeys From The Old Hotel
The Book Of The New Sun (abridged)
The Devil In A Forest
Starwater Strains

Top right row, left to right -
The 5th Head of Cerberus
The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories
Innocents Abroad
The Long & The Short of It

Bottom row & center, left to right -
3*Litany of the Long Sun (Book of the Long Sun I&II)
4*Epiphany of the Long Sun (Book of the Long Sun III&IV)
5*On Blue's Waters (Book of the Short Sun I)
6*In Green's Jungles (Book of the Short Sun II)
7*Return To The Whorl (Book of the Short Sun III)
1*Shadow of The Torturer/Claw of the Concilliator (Book of the New Sun I&II)
2*Sword of the Lictor/Citadel of the Autarch (Book of the New Sun III&IV)
Solar Labyrinth
8*Urth of the New Sun (Book of the New Sun V)
Latro In The Mist (Latro I&II)
Soldier of Sidon (Latro III)
Pirate Freedom

(note: #* indicate chronological order of this EPIC story.)
Ok for any fellow Jeff Scott Soto fans, check out his new project "Redlist" where mostly he raps! Sounds pretty good actually, save for some of the lyrics of course... I don't know how new this is cause I can't see a single article about it anywhere on Google.

Also, according to the iTunes store, it's self-titled unlike on the site... Anyways...

All hail 'Soto-Pop'! :grin: