Maiden in Seattle 6/2/08


Mar 12, 2004
The Seattle show was a blast! I had a seat in section 104, and NO ONE sat during the entire gig. For most of the show, hands were raised and flailing, people were screaming, yelling and singing. Nearer the end, I think they ran out of steam a bit.

I know I yelled and screamed as much as I could, although the smoke sometimes choked me ... oh well, I tried.

I managed to get a Tour VIP pass, in part for the snafu at the LAForum, which surprisingly allowed me backstage. An hour before showtime I was poking around a bit, looking at the 6 truck trailers of equipment, and the 3 roadcrew busses. Everything was setup, crew was eating, but the band had not yet arrived. I took a look at the catered self-serve banquet prepared for the crew and the band, but I was in no mood for food.

The only food I had all day was 7 hours earlier, and that was a couple hours before our pre-show meetup at the Spunkey Monkey (Tropical theme). We had a good time meeting new and old Maiden friends and fans. In attendance:
Eddieline (Joe)
& Kevin (buddy)
& Richard (buddy)
Doorknob (Eric)
& Benny (Son)
& Eva
& Crystal (daughter)
& Sandy (Wife)
& Ken (buddy)
& Kyle
& Nancy
Darthrya (Ryan)
& Luda (Wife)
Rufus the Red
& Camryn
I know there were a few more, so if I missed you, or misspelled your name, let me know.

So there I was chatting with the event staff backstage, when the boys arrived. They got off the Hotel courtesy vans and as they walked in, they all walked right by me. I managed to greet every one of them by name, and got back a few "Hi mate" and "Hellos". I nearly pissed myself. I was probably the only fan backstage, I think everyone else was crew or staff. I gave a special "hello" to Rod, this was the first time I had met. He was gracious and friendly and asked who I was. He showed some minor interest, but was unable to find the private band rooms, so he was off.

A little bit later, they came out and got some grub from the food service and a few of them sat less than 10 foot from me to eat their meal. Obviously I respected their privacy, so I chatted up the event gal manning their doorway. They went in and out some, and Rod came over to talk with me a bit. I don't remember a word said, but he was friendly. Later he came back over and wanted to get a pic w/me ... how cool.

I made my way up to my seat, which was 4 rows behind, and above, the small Pit area at Auburn. Since the tshirt lines were so long earlier, I now made my way out to get 2 tshirts. When I returned Lauren was half thru her set. I'm glad I wore my Maiden jacket, it might have been a bit chilly, but I needed the pockets for my tshirts and FC Flag.

The crowd grew impatient and manic, it seemed to take forever for it to start. It took a bit to get the sound right, but IMHO, it always seemed a bit off where I was. I was under the misimpression that the sound would be best near the Soundboard, Rod informed me that is not the case.

Great set, Great show ... and when ROTAM started, I made my way toward the designated spot, I had HCW as well. God, the smoke was so thick I wasn't sure I'd make it. We (only about 15 of us) waited patiently (not) thru the last half of Ryme and Powerslave before they brought us in next to the curtain entrance behind Steve. While I was catching my breath, I noticed we were standing next to Maiden's Custom Mixer board, which was manned and guarded. It sure looked busy.

Then the HCW chorus started and it seemed a couple measures passed before we all got out on stage. Eddieline and I held up the FC Flag that I had made, and we sang. It was surreal, so quiet, the sound was all different behind the speakers on stage, I had trouble finding the tempo. I saw all the crazies down front yelling and screaming, and looked all the way up to the top of the shed ... everyone was standing and cheering as far as I could tell. Bruce turned around and took a second to read the FC Flag, and the next instant we are rushed back offstage. We didn't stop 'til we were thru the stage door, then I caught my breath.

I took my sweet ass time as I meandered back to my seat, no doubt tripping on my grin all the way. I couldn't believe what all had just happened. It was a most splendid moment, right up there with meeting them back on BNW. I still get a shit-eating smile just thinkin' about it. The crowd seemed somewhat less manic after that, but I think most were borderline exhausted from all the frenzy, I know I was.
I had to do some fancy footwork to get this consideration, and I had to choose between a Media pass or a VIP pass. Media is wayyyy too restrictive, hence I did not bring my camera, not worth the hassle. I don't have a cheap camera, don't like disposables, and don't own a cellphone, so I rely on those willing to endure the hassle for photos.

Aja ... Ohhhh yeah, a freakin' ocean of manic fans. You get a taster of that regularly, it blew me completely away!
I had to do some fancy footwork to get this consideration, and I had to choose between a Media pass or a VIP pass. Media is wayyyy too restrictive, hence I did not bring my camera, not worth the hassle. I don't have a cheap camera, don't like disposables, and don't own a cellphone, so I rely on those willing to endure the hassle for photos.

Aja ... Ohhhh yeah, a freakin' ocean of manic fans. You get a taster of that regularly, it blew me completely away!
A small taster! Getting that manic Maiden energy from that many people is a whole other level! I can only imagine what THAT must feel like! :rock:
Yes it was a major kickass show!!! I went with my brother, nephew, his friend, and 3 of mine from Yakima. One hadn't seen Iron Maiden since he was in 7th grade(he was somewhat old), another hadn't ever been to a concert, and the other doesn't really listen to metal. They all had a BLAST and really enjoyed the show!(I Rule! lol.) That was the 3rd or 4th time I have seen Maiden and I thought this show sounded the best.

Joe it was good seeing you again. What a blast the show was.

The was one bit of bad news, the damn ampitheater ran out of BEER!!! What place frakking runs out of beer at a heavy metal concert?!

The shirt prices also went up a bit, but that was ok because it was Maiden shirts.
.... BTW, we're practically gonna be neighbors later next week, as I'm moving to Seattle.

I shall alert the authorities.:ill::p:lol:

Darthrya is over in that neck of the woods, and a few others I'm sure.
Rod came over to talk with me a bit. I don't remember a word said, but he was friendly. Later he came back over and wanted to get a pic w/me ... how cool.
Very cool! Did you read his review of the gig? Very unfortunate - other than his commentary on our beautiful state, his words about the gig were brief and lukewarm - although you can tell he tried to say as much positive as he could. I gather he was not impressed, especially when he called the venue a "shed." Frankly, I think White River is one of my favorite venues.

Lauren Harris was a disappointment, even for my wife, who prefers pop music over metal. We both agreed she strutted too much like a man and that while her music was not bad, it was hardly inspired, too. Her band would be a talented club act working the bar circuit if not for her father.

As for Maiden, it was my sixth gig, and it was, by far, the best yet. For all the whining I do about the band playing the classic material ad nauseum, it was quite an experience to see them do it as if it was twenty years ago. :rock: I can't wait for them to do a '90s tour.


i take it u almost center stage
Damn, ya missed me. I was holding the other side of the black FC Flag (center stage) ... you can see my right hand on the top of the flag. Joe (Eddieline) is in the white FC shirt holding the other side of the flag. It looks like the lad (hand up), and the guy behind him are blocking me.

Joe and I wanted to be over behind Adrian, but they stopped us halfway. They herd everybody around Steve.
Damn, ya missed me. I was holding the other side of the black FC Flag (center stage) ... you can see my right hand on the top of the flag. Joe (Eddieline) is in the white FC shirt holding the other side of the flag. It looks like the lad (hand up), and the guy behind him are blocking me.

Joe and I wanted to be over behind Adrian, but they stopped us halfway. They herd everybody around Steve.

WooHoo... I'm famous :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah... I didn't want to piss of Maiden's head of security. He's a real nice guy, but damn is he imposing.

Yeah... getting on stage with Maiden was a completely mind-blowing experience. Almost doesn't even feel real.
Very cool! Did you read his review of the gig? Very unfortunate - other than his commentary on our beautiful state, his words about the gig were brief and lukewarm - although you can tell he tried to say as much positive as he could. I gather he was not impressed, especially when he called the venue a "shed." Frankly, I think White River is one of my favorite venues.

White River Amphitheater- that was where The Powerbox Fest was held, if I'm not mistaken!
I liked that venue too - it had a nice stage and a great crew. Wow, it's kinda cool that we shared the same stage, albeit at different times, with the boys! :D
White River Amphitheater- that was where The Powerbox Fest was held, if I'm not mistaken!
I liked that venue too - it had a nice stage and a great crew. Wow, it's kinda cool that we shared the same stage, albeit at different times, with the boys! :D

I'm sure it's not the only time that's happened... I remember my first Maidens show was at Jimmy Zs in Everett, where I had previously seen (and had a few words with) Bruce and H during the Accident of Birth Tour.... Although that show was back before you joined the ladies, Aja... Have the Maidens been back there since?
The Powerbox Fest was held at the White Horse Ampitheater in Darrington(way out in the stix). And still wondering Aja if you recieved those videos at all?
The Powerbox Fest was held at the White Horse Ampitheater in Darrington(way out in the stix). And still wondering Aja if you recieved those videos at all?
White Horse /White River - I knew there was something White involved! I just remember the rustic backstage area and it made me think that was the locay - my bad! I knew it had to be too good to be true!! :lol:
Eddieline and ALF on stage during HCW:

It's 150 mb, by the way. It will take a while to download, even if you have broadband. I recommending right-clicking the link, and selecting "save as" so you don't have to continually download it if you want to watch it again later. It will save to your hard drive. Wait for at least 30 minutes after this post before you download. It's still being uploaded as I am typing this.

I'll be posting the full gig on Dime later tonight.