Maidencentral...Meet here...

Hmm! I noticed that some nicks have changed!

The bitch is here too under the same nick! :p
Did you ever think that you might get rid of me?:rolleyes: :grin:
Welcome ,welcome....
We were waiting you...!!!:grin:

We prepared this new home for you
before your arrival...(doesn't it smell the warm air of maiden central)
You can get some cookies&chips,and there are drinks in
the refrigerator...

Well I know that Iron & tokmak can see it...I'm seeing...
I don't know the others....:confused:

If no one sees I can change it...
(It's a spinnig,turning & hueabllleeaaaeebbaaee taz:grin: )
Angel: Never! :grin:

Slash: LOL! Somehow I knew you'd say something like that! ;)

Tcall & Barbara: I can't see it either...
So... you didnt think that I might leave eh?:)

Cos I was seriously thinking to quit the bb... (And this before the mc shut down...) :o
well it's nice to hear that theer are still around people that want you here... :)

Maybe it's just that I feel neglected by old friends! :hmm:

At least I'm happy that I have some new ones. And maybe for the persons i like (Like you Ed)and they like me I will stay... But I dunno.
:eek: You like me? :o
Thank you very much! Now I know there's at least someone...:)

And the feeling is mutual. (Damn, gotta keep pestering Mark to get that hug smiley here!)

Again, I'm glad you're here! :)
Now you're making me blush! :)
Will you marry me? ;):grin:

Mark is the guru that runs maidencentral and this place...
In other words he's the guy we learned to know as Strangeworld.;)
ouch! I'm so stupid! I didnt realise that it was strangey! I'd forgot his real name! i was familiar with his previous nick!:o