making a sub-topic official.. YES IM THAT AWESOME TO DO IT


man who plays drum
Jun 7, 2003
Wallingford, CT
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Yea, I was reading, about the Used SymX Cd, then it evolved into the battle of the shrinkwrap, i got bored, and I am pissed @ that little sticker, so I was like "woa, what an Idea, make it an OFFICIAL" topic =]

Yea, dude, getting a new CD is all nice
got the shiny cover, feeling its never been touched by human hands before. You get home or in the car to open it... you have to fight the beast for 5 mins to get the shrinkwrap, you get a feeling of accomplishment, then you see the sticker. The last obstacle between YOU and the PRIZE. the tag says pull, but we all know its LIES.. I try to peel, nothing, scissors dont work either, last case scenario, is gnaw on it like a ravenous monkey on the sticker for an hour. By the time you rip that beast open, your joy in getting a new Cd is gone, and you are pissed, yet glad that 60 minute battle with a STICKER is over...

AM I the only one thats battled the sticker for an hour???
dude, you are really sad:D
I hate it even more when you get the digi-pack Cd's with the plastic over it. After you get it off, the corners are all torn. And then you have the price sticker on the digi-pack cover so you can't get it off because it will tear the cover if you do!
That really pisses me off!o_O
um.... I don't know if it's a digi-pack, it might be? I have this Opeth Still life re-release and the cd case is like a book, there is not plastic closers or anything, it's just a cardboard opener that looks really know what I mean?
Of course it's expensive.

You would have to use like..... $0.00887666 more for EACH CD to do that.

CD manifacture corporations can't afford it.

It doesn't depend on labels and bands.
I have a special strategy for opening new cd's:

I run my fingernails along the side of the case into the groove where it opens and it rips the plastic. After getting that off I just open the case as if there was no sticker and the sticker breaks. 60 seconds tops.
The only problem I have with the stickers is when I get one of those sloppy super sticky mucus stickers that leaves a gross residue on the case. My Perfect Element Part I case is forever tainted with this disgusting goo along the top that, in my weaker moments, almost deters me from listening to the CD.
My Iron Maiden "Piece of Mind" also has that goo on the front, it pains me. But the worst thing to happen to a case (sort of) is I somehow lost the cover to Iced Earth "Something Wicked", so now the case is coverless :(