Making Click Tracks (Program)

Aug 6, 2006
I am looking for a "simple" program to crate click tracks. I want to be able to crate click tracks for full songs so I can start at 70 then to 140, then 90, so on and so on. I have been using Beatcraft but it keeps skipping (bug in software) so if anyone has a nice small and simple program please let me know.

Thank you,

i asked the same question a month back or so, basically just ended up using a synthvst with a drumkit in it and programming everything midi.
just make a midi track of quarter notes in any daw and loop it as long as you need and run it to any drumachine and pic the sounds you want. Dont really understand why you would need dedicated software to make clicktracks
Depending on what you use, it's pretty easy normally. With cubase, you can do pratically whatever you want. starts at 80 and jump to 300 if you want.
Reaper or any Daw can do this, you can use a midi reference for the tempo map, or do it yourself in reaper, it´s not hard. You can do "insert>>click source" and reaper automatically creates a track with the click track.

Only problem I see with this is I can´t customizze the sound on the created track for some reason, I mean I can customize the metronome of reaper fully, but when I export it to a click source track it´s the original (crappy IMO) click sound with reaper, I can´t seem to find anyway to change it, I guess it´s a bug
can't you just do this inside your DAW ( any daw for that mattter ) ?
Look for your tempotrack or something

edit:...yeah what he said
1. open daw (cubase in this example)
2. create midi track - every 1/4 notes
3. create tempo track = if various tempos in the song
4. insert LM7 drums (cubase original) , use whatever from it
5. export mixdown