Making my own snare-sample set...

Sounds pretty good :) ...though it's the guitars that grabbed my attention (really like the presence and highs :headbang: ) Well i like all of your guitar tone clips and Subcyde/Backmask mixes anyway :)
can't even get past the riffs to comment on the snare :) nads are still shaking. damn got some riffin' in ya.
Wavelab eats those Files :)

Mr. Goddamn, very good stuff you made! Great Guitar Tone, great playing, great riffs! And the snare sounds perfect for that mix. (I am on PC Speaker in the Mom).

The samples 1. 2. and 3 are sounding like fadet in to me? A very short fade which softened the attack?

Thanks for sharing your work.

did you use dynamics effects (compressor or limiter?) on the guitars?? they are very "in the face"!