Making of 10

great thanks!

that red bass in the making of I video is an aria TSB, right? was it used to record the album? and what else for? they are great :)
AnTz0r said:
great thanks!

that red bass in the making of I video is an aria TSB, right? was it used to record the album? and what else for? they are great :)

The bass was used on the album despite the fact that the neck was like a banana. It was Erik´s bass and i borrowed it. I had almost the same model but it was stolen just before the recording. I used that bass on C.C.
I was a great bass but a bit to "lame" for my taste. I like a bass with more character like Fender P. or Rickenbacker ( i played a vintage one on a gig two weeks ago..eternal love )
i sold my rickenbacker :(

didn't know you play bass by the way. you didn't do any for nightingale karaboudjan or PanThyMonium project did you?
AnTz0r said:
i sold my rickenbacker :(

didn't know you play bass by the way. you didn't do any for nightingale karaboudjan or PanThyMonium project did you?

I have played bass for 23 years and i play on regular basis in a King Crimson coverband and on my own T.N stuff
I played bass on Closing "I" and some tracks on Alive A.
I also play on both Unicorn albums. I don´t remember what i did on "Kara.." apart from guitar and odd sax growls
but i don´t think i played bass. The PTM bass is all by Dan if i remember right
After watching all of the making of videos, I've decided that Tom and Dan are possibly the funniest people ever.
Dag's narrations are fucking funny, we need many many more of these types of videos! Even if you're not working on an album, make a video!
Heh, I hadn't seen the "I" one yet. Sadly, most of it's uncompehendable for me Still, Nouga is hilarious! (Hello everybody! We're the band called "rock"!) And how cool is it that Dan's dancing to "crack the big sky"?
A question to the "making of invisible".
That guitarsolo from Dag at the end. I really can't remember hearing it on the Invisible CD... I have to listen to that CD again.