Making the switch to X64


Keyboard player
Oct 14, 2010
It's been some years since I got updated on what's going on in the availability of most software as x64, mainly because I was reluctant to make the switch. It still seems fresh to me.

Now it looks like I have no choice but to make the switch since I'm looking to upgrade my audio workstation PC for at least 16GB of RAM, and purchase Cubase 7 while I'm at it.

1. How many of you are running Windows 7/8 64bit systems?
2. Is it safe to switch from 32 (I mean, software availability-wise for x64)?
3. How did it affect your performance when producing audio and operating heavy projects in your DAW?

Thanks for answering :)
64bit has been going swimmingly. Better performance and the software availablility is good enough for me.
If you're worried about compatibility it isn't as bad as you think. At least for REAPER, anyway. I was able to import all by 32bit plugins from my old computer when I made the switch to 64bit Windows 7 and have no trouble using them within REAPER. Other DAWs might not play so nice. As far as performance I can do about 4 times as much without needing to render down or freeze tracks. If you plan on using Windows I have 2 suggestions though.

Don't bother with Windows 8. Its unlikely audio interface companies have updated their drivers for it since its so new. Even if they have it will take time to smooth bugs out, of both the operating system and drivers. Major Headache.

Make sure you at least buy Windows 7 Home Premium. Basic only allows you to use up to 8 GB RAM.
No problem at all with Win7 x64. I actually run Reaper 32 and use x32 plugins instead of 64.

Also, ***I THINK*** reaper's audio engine renders x64 even if your using the 32 bit version on an x64 system.
I actually run Reaper 32 and use x32 plugins instead of 64.

Hey Sloan, you know you don't have to use REAPER 32bit just to use 32bit plugs, right? I use REAPER 64 and most of mine are 32 except for a few with install options like Melodyne. Reaper's bridging works great.

@OP Btw, Cubase has j-bridge but you have to buy it separately I think.
Hey Sloan, you know you don't have to use REAPER 32bit just to use 32bit plugs, right? I use REAPER 64 and most of mine are 32 except for a few with install options like Melodyne. Reaper's bridging works great.

@OP Btw, Cubase has j-bridge but you have to buy it separately I think.

yeah, i was running both x32 and x64 for a while but for some reason i found a problem with something on x64, this was like a year or two ago but i don't really have many x64 plugins anyway.
changed from an 32bit XP System to 64bit Win7 in the beginning of this year. this was a huge step into the right direction, especially when working with huge sample libraries.
I have been running x64 Cubase 6/6.5 for about 6 months now.

Works great, not sure how much improvement there is since I upgraded along with significant hardware upgrades.

Most plugins have 64-bit variants but it is a bit goofy, you have to be careful with your placement of the plugins and folders. That way you aren't loading 32-bit plugs by accident.

Cubase does have a 32/64 bit bridge, but it doesn't work that well. It worked on most plugins but there were a few that required JBridge (not free, but cheap) in order to work.

Wavelab doesn't have a bridge at all, so I needed JBridge anyway for those.

With the bridges the thing I noticed the most is my LiquidMix has issues with bouncing faster than realtime. So my bounces when using that have to be realtime, whatever, just like Pro Tools.

Other than that, rock solid.
Don't bother with Windows 8. Its unlikely audio interface companies have updated their drivers for it since its so new. Even if they have it will take time to smooth bugs out, of both the operating system and drivers. Major Headache.

I upgraded from win7 32bit to win8 64bit. reaper.....didn't got any problems at all. Not with my interface (mackie onyx satellite ) or whatever.....
I upgraded from win7 32bit to win8 64bit. reaper.....didn't got any problems at all. Not with my interface (mackie onyx satellite ) or whatever.....

Mackie must have their shit together then. Alot of companies like to drag their feet with this kind of stuff. Cockos is usually on top of it so its no surprise reaper works with win 8.
I Reap with x32, bridges automatically with x64, never had any problems or really had any experience that promoted or negated better performance with any plug I own.
I Reap with x32, bridges automatically with x64, never had any problems or really had any experience that promoted or negated better performance with any plug I own.

Speaking of that, the only thing is bridged plugins like to float and pop up automatically. Its annoying compared to the those that stay in the window but whatever
No problem here since two years ago and Reaper, the bridge works very well, with occasionnally a graphic lag, but the plugin works fine in itself.

I think it's very safe now to do the jump, just check with your most special plugins, but normally all big brands have made the jump a long time ago.

A year ago I checked on my mac laptop if all softwares switched to 64bit, and to my surprise, absolutely all of them were already compatible, and I had like a hundred including the tiny utilities.