making ur own music vid


Oct 31, 2005
how hard is it? we got a few hand held 100 to 400 $ cameras like flip, sony, and what nots. we also have adobe premier or some kinda software ebay special :loco:....but dont know much bout it yet.

the music part is almost done....but we need to know about the video side of it.

any tips? or am i jumpin into a pile?
Dont use a flip or any of those low end HD cams if you want it to look pro. You need something with manual focus and adjustable / changeable lenses to get "depth of field" effects so it doesnt look like video.

I learned my lesson the hard way on this.

Look into a mid / high end DSLR that shoots video:

Cannon 5D MKII
Nikon D90
Canon EOS 550D (Rebel T2i)

Read this:
Just go for it bro, what do you have to lose.

A friend did this for us for her film class in school. With the help of some friends and a little artistic direction you can make some decent shit. Unfortunatly this project kinda lost it's momentum and was never finished with the editing 100% Even more shitty there was a great scene that was lost when someone opened the darkroom door while she was developing the film.

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My band has contemplated doing this as well. I have a reasonably nice DSLR camera that shoots HD video that looks pretty good, but it would be a pain to use just that 1 camera for the whole shoot.

My advice, hire some friends with some DSLR's that shoot nice video and have them out to help!

This was shot with a Canon T2i (which I own) and the kit lens:

and the resulting short they made with a T2i and 7D:

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If you haven't done any video editing or recording I wouldn't get into it, it's expensive and a lot to learn. Look on craigslist or forums and look for someone in your area to do it. There are tons of people taking college courses in film-making and a lot of them will do it for cheap and they have the equipment and tools to do it.
ArKaos can trigger video from MIDI.

To the OP, I say jump right in and shoot some video. It won't look pro with the gear you have, but that doesn't mean it can't look cool. There are tons of tutorials out there and after you produce your first video you'll have a way better understanding of the whole process.

As far as a tip goes, cheap cameras need lots of light.

Good luck and have fun.