Mammatus - The Coast Explodes

They have a new one out. It's called Sparkling Waters. Anyone hear it yet?

I really, really, really didn't get into their last one, so I'll revisit that first.

EDIT: Okay I think I get Heady Mental now. These are not songs or pieces, they are riff-based soundscapes that you just wander in/out of as if passing in a dream. Listening to them from that perspective makes a lot more sense of this album. Not their best, but still pretty good.
3/4 songs (around 20 min each) are floating around out there to stream. i'm diggin it. not a full return to the psychedelic wizard days of yore, but its more like the old stuff than Heady Mental was. also some more mellow soundscape kinda stuff. i recognize some of the riffs from a live recording i have that has most of the Heady Mental material on it as well, so i think probably a lot of this stuff was gestating at the same time.

album officially comes out Sat Nov 20th. seeing them in Oakland that night. should be awesome.
Dude. DUDE. The new album is fucking gorgeous.
yes dudebro at that show last week they played the new shit and it was most excellent! openers were not so excellent.

mammatus dude makes the best im-so-amazed-at-how-hard-im-shredding faces.