Man i need to drop a few pounds....

Well if your a drinker try stopping for a while. Its amazing how much better you can feel after about a month of staying away from the booze.
Na im not a drinker i just eat like shit and drink to much sugary drinks like none home brewed tea like Arizona with all the high fructose corn syrup in it. so i'm going to try and cut back on carbs and almost eliminate my sugar intake to as minimum as i can
Drink water instead of sugar rich drinks and kick into some high protien food to keep you full for longer along with more fresh veg/ fruit. Might not knock the kg's off, but its healthier anyway.
Yeah man, the solutions are much simpler than most people would have you believe. Just stay active, round 30 to 50 minutes of moderate exercise a day, cut down on the sugar and fat & you'll be fine.

This is a tough gig since so much of it involves sitting in front of a computer getting mentally drained. We're frequently attracted to 'comfort foods' to relax after and during sessions. Leads to a bad place.
get yourself an xc or trail bike and go out for a ride, nothing builds fitness quicker, plus a good track is always a lot of fun :)

Push bike riding is awesome. I find it's far more interesting than going for a walk, because you get out and see more in the same amount o ftime. I should go more regularly than I do ( haven't been for a ride since Thursday:erk:), but yeah, I find I can get about 13-15 miles or so done in about 2 hours.
I'm lucky in being only 20 and having freakish genes that have meant I still weigh only 67 kilograms (184cm tall) despite from 2007 until this year doing virtually no exercise and eating nothing but junk 70 per cent of the time, but it'll catch up to me if I don't do anything about it.
So changes I've made:

Push bike riding
Switched from whitebread to brown bread (not only does it keep you more full for longer because of a lower Glycemic Index or some shit like that, but it's just healthier in general)
Plenty of sleep now. More important than you think

Fortunately I always already ate a good breakfast, so no problems there, but yeah, I'm starting to feel healthier now.
i lost about 20 kilograms from last summer until now.
just switched from


(i was drinking more than one six pack every day, one six pack is 9L)


Yep. Agree with most everything here. I'm going to help my buddy Phil drop some lbs. and start feeling good again.


It's all about eating cleaner, you don't have to starve yourself (which is counterproductive in the first place) and it's best to not think of it as a 'diet' when it's more like a lifestyle change.

When talking strictly about the diet portion of any weight-loss plan, Total intake of calories, the macro-nutrient ratios of said calories and nutrient timing (to a lesser extent) are all of vital importance when trying to lose weight, keep it off for good and look awe-fucking-some. =D

Go here: enter in the valid fields and you'll get an idea of the amount of calories your body needs to lose weight, maintain weight and gain weight. The number is not set in stone as there are many variables but, it will get you quite a close estimate.

Now, exercise is a whole different subject with just as many variables. For the casual person looking to just lose some weight / has quite a bit of weight to lose; start off with walking at a moderate to fast pace, outdoors, at least 30-45 min. a day.

But, you see, the thing is all the exercise in the world isn't going to mean shit if your diet sucks and likewise, you cannot eat MORE because you think to yourself 'well, I walked today so I can just eat this one twinkie and I'll work it off tomorrow'. NO, doesn't work like that. Many people use this logic and wonder why they never get anywhere.

Treat any extra cardio-type exercise you do as a way to 'turbo-charge' your fat loss.

There are tons more advanced topics I can get into regarding Nutrition but, I won't right now.

Hope it helps!
Hmph, I work out HARD 3 times a week, I'd like to think that qualifies me for something above "A little more active" :loco:
Hmph, I work out HARD 3 times a week, I'd like to think that qualifies me for something above "A little more active" :loco:

LOL. Indeed my brotha. Choose moderately active if you feel you really push your hardest during those 3 days. Are these strictly weight-training sessions or do you add any cardio in?

I'm always afraid of figuring myself as burning more calories a day through exercise than I really do, so I think it's better to be a bit modest, depending on your goals (trying to lose/maintain weight).

I workout 6 days a week, but I do a split. Cardio via High-Intensity Interval Training on non-weight days followed by 20 min of LISS (3x a week or every other day) and 30 min. of LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio immediately AFTER each resistance workout.

Resistance workouts 3x a week, every other day (so one day cardio, one day resistance and so on) in a more circuit training kind of fashion. High-Intesity, fast paced to where my heart rate is really up. Usually as heavy as I can go while still doing 8-10 reps.
I´m too fat, as well. Most time of my life it was okay, because it had no influence about my wellfare and success with girls or something. But now I feel just lazy and passive..I even don´t wanna play some videogames, because it´s too exhausting..haha seriously I need to get rid of it, it´s too much.

More tips anyone? :)