Oh and I gotta say AxeFx as an option as well. I know I heard a demo a while back where it was doing rock tones reallllllllly well, and I actually thought to myself at the time "so it does do more than djent" haha. I really don't think it's a one-trick pony. I do, however, think it may take longer to tweak a tone out of than a POD. I honestly haven't used one yet. All I have to go on are clips and Jeff's (DSS3) comments on his experience with one a while back, which I definitely trust his judgement and word since he's such an anal bastardsBut! there is a band coming up that I'm recording where one of the guitarists has an AxeFx so I may get the chance to record it, depending on what route we take. It's tech-death, so no djent!
The AxeFx pricing from their order page says $1,500US for the regular and $2k for the Ultra (extra processing fx, etc.). Personally I'd only ever need the $1.5k one for the amp portion, I think the Ultra is overpriced for just having some more fx to fuck with, not $500 worth IMO. Unless I'm mistaken and it also includes more amps or something, but I'm fairly certain it doesn't.
I'm still not convinced by the palm-mute sound of the Axe-FX ...![]()
Listen to any of Bulb's Axe FX clips and then tell me it's not capable of doing pretty much everything to do with metal extremely well.
I think for a while it's been obvious that the real drawback to current modeling technology is in the cab department. I've had reamps given to me by Ryan from Wagner that sounded better to me for the material in question than a real 5150. I'm sure the Axe-FX is a fine unit if paired with a power amp and actual cab.
Listen to any of Bulb's Axe FX clips and then tell me it's not capable of doing pretty much everything to do with metal extremely well.
It's not capable of doing pretty much everything to do with metal extremely well....
...seriously though, you can't judge axe-fx for everything metal just by listening to bulb since he plays a very specific kind of metal and he has a specific kind of sound. Personally I think - and probably I'm going to be alone in this - that the tones bulb got with podXT were pretty similar, if not almost the same, with the tones he is getting now. So I can honestly say I'm not impressed by the tone in his clips.
Yeah, I too was actually surprised to hear very little difference between Misha's POD sound and when he got an AxeFx. A lot to do with the player, of course, but it was still interesting.
His axe-fx tone shits all over his pod tone. :|
His axe-fx tone shits all over his pod tone. :|
It's time to move on.. Im not sure about the palm mutes and the gain on the POD XT anymore.
I have gotten good results, but what should i do next to get a better tone for my music/demos?
For TGM i'll probably end up with re-amping, but for recording songs i need something else.. something that sound thicker, less digital and has more impact with the palm mutes.
What are my options and what would you lads do? (open question, i know but have a go at it).
I have to agree with this, the tone on the songs made with a pod was thinner and generally lacked some body. The axe-fx brought some serious meat to the tone. But to each to his own.![]()
I mean, yes it is technically better, I'll even agree that it's meatier, it is. However, I feel it's the same basic tone, just improved. Honestly I think he could have probably gotten that with some more elbow grease using his POD... basically, not dogging bulb's AxeFx sound, because it is awesome and I love his music - but it's not what would make me go "OMG I want an AxeFx!." It made me go, as evidenced by this and my other post, "oh I thought that was still the POD..."