Man....that's just wrong! seriously...

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Pro MetalHead
Sep 4, 2004
I mean...can't I even state an opinion in this forum? I actually ment what I said in This Thread.
and than this 'Guardian of Darkness' guy comes, and closes my thread for actually stating an opinion. I know he'll probablly close this one, coz surley he dont want people see which jackass he was by closing a thread for no reason.
and you know what man....I dont care what actions you'll take, but here I am, standing for my opinion about you, you'r the worst Mod ever.
and Admins, check who you giving the Mod rights to.
you people can flame me here, but at least I was straight and honest.
I didn't really understand why GoD closed that thread either to be fair, although Glenn Benton is a fucking dick. I love Deicide's music, but that guy is such a cock it's unreal. "Ooh look what happens when I rip the tail off this little lizard, I'm such an evil hard man!!" He's a cunt (that scene is from the "Scars Of The Crucifix" DVD btw).

I think that may explain why GoD locked your thread, how much more of that could you take....? :p
I closed it because there's already a thread which is basically 'who is your favourite frontman?', and because these Benton threads are common and always end up being similar to threads about Phil Anselmo or Lars Ulrich. I might re-open it, seeing as I guess it wasn't directly breaking any rules, but still, meh.

Also, you're supposed to whinge about thread-closings in the rules thread, you know.
Stop whining, your post was pointless and was only gonna end in tears. GoD is a good mod, this forum just has to many whiny ass flame bait types on it.
Guardian's doing a pretty decent job at modding I must say. The board has actually improved since he took over the role. Not immediately mind you. But I say over the past month or so that this place is turning into a forum of civil discussion. Your Glen Benton thread was obvious spam. Imagine if the entire board was covered with posts of people saying "<Insert musician here> is the greatest!" What a shithole this place would be aye?
All you said in that thread is glen is like the best death metal frontman,so what?
its your opinion and youre entitled to it.I disagree and i do think he just does stuff for publicity,so do alot of people.

I bet NO ONE on this forum would insult benton face to face,the people that insult him would be too pussy to say anything to him they just complain to everyone else in an internet forum.

I personally think internet arguments are the stupidest thing in the world,like what happens when you insult someone in a forum? do you get paid? do you get a medal?
no you get fuck all! its fucking shit,maybe all the people who insult people sorta get off on it "ahhh yeah,ohhh i called him a fag,ahh ahhh,im gonna cum over my keyboard!"
skullz666 said:
All you said in that thread is glen is like the best death metal frontman,so what?
its your opinion and youre entitled to it.I disagree and i do think he just does stuff for publicity,so do alot of people.

I bet NO ONE on this forum would insult benton face to face,the people that insult him would be too pussy to say anything to him they just complain to everyone else in an internet forum.

I personally think internet arguments are the stupidest thing in the world,like what happens when you insult someone in a forum? do you get paid? do you get a medal?
no you get fuck all! its fucking shit,maybe all the people who insult people sorta get off on it "ahhh yeah,ohhh i called him a fag,ahh ahhh,im gonna cum over my keyboard!"
finally, a person with some sence, you guys gotta study few things from this fella!
you go man! :worship:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Well, if I saw Benton rip the tail off that lizard I'd say something to him, so you're wrong there.
Now shutup dickhead. *wanks furiously over the insult*

Hehehe well id insult you back but i use a laptop and,real problem is the warrenty doesnt cover cum inside the system.

lol How would i explain that shit man?
"oh yeah THAT,well i thought seeing as the bloody thing cost me £1500 i thought: why not make babies!,you know i figure i wank over the bastard and ill get little baby laptops,save me a few quid in the future"
TakinTheMusicBack said:
I "Ooh look what happens when I rip the tail off this little lizard, I'm such an evil hard man!!" He's a cunt (that scene is from the "Scars Of The Crucifix" DVD btw).
he actually did that to an living Lizzard? :OMG:
lol, their tails fall off whenever they are scared. so chances are, glen held it by the tail and the lizard just detached itself
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