

Demons And Lies
Feb 15, 2003
Orlando Florida
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this forum sure is getting boring with all these threads that have nothing to do with nothing... someone post something good in here already! something not along the lines of "how tall are you?",does anyone even give a shit how tall anyone is?" or how about "what album should i get?" or "im new! but who gives rats ass" its getting rather repetitive.
and if its been said before dont say it again, i can swear the same thread has been made atleast 5 times this month asking "what does amon amarth mean??"... the question is actualy relavint (sp?) and all but just do a little bit of research and you can figure it out no problem. probably in a thread that was posted a day before you can find it.
well, im sure someone will think of something...
haha, you started another pointless thread about pointless threads, thats rather silly.