Mandatory Now Playing

I usually have them on shuffle when I listen. If I go to an album, it's usually Five Serpent's Teeth. The one I listen to the least is probably Skull.

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Same here! New Truths Old Lies is a favorite of mine now. Still my least played, though. :lol:

Black Pyramid - The Quantum Phoenix

I hope this band puts out new music soon. They're SO GOOD.
Infected Nations is probably the Evile album I listen to the least. How about the rest of you?

Same. It's actually definitely the one I listen to least. I listen to All Hallows Eve more often!

That said, like Keenan, I listen to (all) Evile a lot on shuffle. Usually while setting up / packing down my stall at work... music to get shit done to!!
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Evile- Gore

new song is pretty solid. it does run into the problem of the first half being a little too similar to the title track but in the end the second half really changes the whole thing up
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