Mandatory Now Playing


Crazy to think this October this album will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary!
It's definitely good, though I think it's my least favorite of the three singles so far. Regardless, can't wait for the full album!!

Dig this vocalist! Totally awesome old school Swedeath vibes :kickass:

Clearly a new band. Wish I'd have designed their logo, looks a bit shit compared to the music haha (if anyone connected to the band sees this - no offence! haha just not sure it's right for the music!) Then again it's not my band so what the fuck do I know haha
Clearly a new band. Wish I'd have designed their logo, looks a bit shit compared to the music haha (if anyone connected to the band sees this - no offence! haha just not sure it's right for the music!) Then again it's not my band so what the fuck do I know haha

I totally forgot that you design logos, you uhhhhhh charge a lot for this service? Because I make music and I could, you know, use a logo...

Seregon- The Removal Of The Spine

I feel so fuckin dumb that i've been listening to this EP since like... 2010 and I'm a massive fan of the movie Predator and I just... never put two and two together and realized what this song is about :tickled:
I totally forgot that you design logos, you uhhhhhh charge a lot for this service? Because I make music and I could, you know, use a logo...

I wouldn't even really say I design logos to be honest man... I mean, I have in the past (Overthrow, Groan, Dave's Nefasturris project, and a couple of others which were never used) but I haven't done anything in ages. There's much better artists out there, and I have no photoshop skills whatsoever :lol: so I don't seek bands to work with. Though it would be cool, I've only ever done it for people I've known (online).

As for what I charge? I've never charged anyone anything. The deal I've always made is if anything is produced with my logo on (shirts, records etc.) I get to have one for free. That's it.

From of all the logos I've done I've ended up with 1 demo CD, 2 full length CDs, an LP and 8 shirts... not bad considering (in my opinion) the only legitimately good logo I designed was the updated Overthrow logo which never got used :lol: ... 'cause they've not released anything since their debut...
I wouldn't even really say I design logos to be honest man... I mean, I have in the past (Overthrow, Groan, Dave's Nefasturris project, and a couple of others which were never used) but I haven't done anything in ages. There's much better artists out there, and I have no photoshop skills whatsoever :lol: so I don't seek bands to work with. Though it would be cool, I've only ever done it for people I've known (online).

Honestly, for what i'm doing I'm mainly trying to just work with people I either in person know, or people I know online to commission them for art and whatnot, so it would be cool to get some work from you. I always enjoyed the Groan logo (and having seen the Overthrow logo, that is really awesome). I'm not looking to do something immediately since I'm only half done with my album here, but come later this year, if you're interested, I would love to get something going
Dude! I'd be more than happy to take a stab at a logo for you!! Just send me the music you have, any lyrics and additional concepts of any kind you may have (including ideas for your logo) and I'll magically come up with something... if you like, cool. If not, cool.

Probably should have sent this via PM but fuck it. (Please feel free to reply in private :lol: )

EDIT / P.S. you are now condemned to work with me as I'm genuinely excited to know what the fuck you're up to haha ... I know it's still work in progress, but I say lets get on it now, send me your project's embryonic mind.
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I'll be sending you a PM soon with the songs I have done (4 are done) and any ideas I got. First I gotta get some logo ideas, the logo was sorta the last thing on my mind so I wasn’t expecting to have someone to do it yet :lol:

I will warn you both though, that this stuff i'm doing is mostly electronic stuff but you might dig it because I like to make dark stuff so? I do have one song from the project on spotify i'll post here

Edit: upon clicking on that youtube channel that it auto generated for me, it looks like now someone else is trying to use my artist name so now i'm gonna have to change mine....... yay. :(
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^Well, considering as how I've been in a massive Cyberpunk mood since Cyberpunk 2077 released... It sounds good to me! :lol: :kickass:
Thank you! Means a lot to me to have someone on here enjoy it, been afraid to post it since I released it since I know most everyone here is predominantly into metal. I'll be sure to post more of my stuff as it comes out on here