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Song is fine but seeing someone that's gone in what looks to be the last thing they'll ever release... is very strange. He looks frail as hell in that video, too. So sad.

God is an Astronaut - Remembrance
Song is fine but seeing someone that's gone in what looks to be the last thing they'll ever release... is very strange. He looks frail as hell in that video, too. So sad.

Yeah, gotta agree here. Song sounds alright though! But yeah, he does look a bit "off".

Still! I'm actually REALLY looking forward to the other two songs coming out... one of which being a cover of Dissection's Where Dead Angels Lie, which I'm guessing will be amazing - knowing Alexi. I always thought they'd do well covering Dissection....
When I'm celebrating a dentist visit and I have a fridge full of imperial stouts...


This is their (live) greatest hits :kickass: