Manditory TDM Plug-Ins?

Matt Crooks
Feb 13, 2004
Mid-Atlantic, USA
I'm putting together a budget for TDM plug-ins (running on PT HD), and would like some input as to what you all think are the manditory plugins and why.

I will already have the HD|1 bundle and the Massive Pack. What else will I need? I know that I have to have Auto-Tune, but what else?

Thanks in advance!
I recommend any of the Waves bundled plug-ins...They have a few good ones in those bundles including the C4 which is a compressor with a built in crossover so you can compress certain frequencies more than others.
I would HIGHLY recommend to check out the Fairchild dynamics processors (the TDM plugins of course) and the Sony Oxford TDM plugins. McDSP is killer as is Waves. Oh, and since you're on TDM, DEFINITELY get the MDW hi-res parametric equalizer, it is beyond silly how well this eq functions.
Ok, with Massive Pack, I get Master X, the BF Compressors, a couple of URS EQs, Factory, T-Racks, Smack!, IR Verb and Sony EQ.

So it looks like the Waves bundle, and perhaps McDSP channel strip.

So a follow on question... which Waves bundle? Gold or Platnum? Are the extra limiters and renn. effects worth the cost of Platnum? I could always start with Gold and upgrade to platnum later. I can do either, but I'd rather not but a bunch of plug-ins I'm not going to use.

Thanks for all your input so far.
The Ren's are worth it. I use the Q series eq's for normal clean eq's. The L2 limiter for a few things. The Ren comp for lots of stuff. The C1 comp. The Lineq and Lin MB and the C4 MB. Thats about all I use for Waves. I do use some of the 'fun' things like flangers and shit like that too. Oh yeah, the Ren reverb is cool and the True Verb is awesome. I'd say of you can only get one thing, get the Waves Platnum bundle.

Andy uses the Metric Halo ch strip on many trackis. I also HIGHLY recommend the URS vintage plugins. The Neve graphic is the SHIT on distorted guitars.

Thanks everyone. I guess I'll plan on getting the Platnium bundle as well.

The Massive pack as the Neve graphic in it, so I'll try that on guitars once I get everything.

Plug-In may be expensive, but for what I spent on my PCM-91, M-2000, Sony DPS-77, Finalizer and Intonator, I could easily get all the plug-Ins described, and use multiple instances of them. Once I get into PT, all of those hardware boxes will be pointless...
I use Pheonix on many individual tracks in each song I do. It basically functions as a 'fattener' or 'warmer' that doesn't really mush things up or take up any more room. It's easily my favorite plugin of all time. Just try it and you'll find more than enough uses for it.
Phoenix is the tape emulator right? I've heard a lot of good things about that.

Also another plugin to at least dabble with (because it's pretty monstrous) would be Audio Ease's Altiverb 5.