manhating diary thread

when i was in college i didn't even need to hit on a girl to scare her. All I had to do was walk by them unassuming, not even looking at them and the girls at my school would freak. :(

and the men at my school other than my friends are totally guilty of being man-hated for reasons such as bfs and prep mention.

if i were a woman i would probably be a lesbian.
I am told that the reason girls dig me is because of how harmless I seem. I think its cause I'm actually quite shy in real life. GO COMPUTER LAND.
in addition to rocking the "every fifteen minutes" statistic, i like to justify my distrust and disgust of men by explaining to them that if 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime, that puts an awful lot of fucking rapists out there. maybe not 1 in 3 but probably 1 in 4 or 5. so fuck yous.

anyway, i wish educators would consider that perspective and make a guess at the perp stat when they bust out the victim stat in gender issues classes and stuff. its much more effective. the victim stuff gets the women doing the math about themselves, but the dudes just snooze out as usual.

nothing made me hate men in particular today (YET), but i do hate crackheads.
sadly, i am actually the ONLY girl of all my close female friends that hasn't been raped / molested. as fucked up as that sounds. and contrary to popular belief, i have a lot of friends. :(
(i should add that some of my male friends haven't had the best of luck either)
the current statistic is "1 in 4" and sometimes even "1 in 3", but it's almost universally misrepresented as "sexually assaulted/molested" on campuses everywhere. it's actually supposed to be "has been, at some point, the victim of an unwanted sexual advance" which doesn't even necessarily include touching. (the statistic is also something like 1 in 6 or 1 in 8 MEN) so the "ONE IN FOUR WOMEN ARE RAPED" flyers that covered our dorms were kind of very false.

we went through that stuff in class on Monday, actually. weird.
and let me say while it is not credible that 1 in 4 women have been raped, i also don't think it's very credible that only 1 in 4 women have suffered an "unwanted sexual advance". i mean, come on.
i think everything that breathes has that happen to them, at least once... even if it's in the dark or something (AKA strobelight hoes)

i mean, statistics... who cares? they're never right anyway. just because they're teaching them now doesn't mean they're accurate. who could ever tell? numbers are so easy to manipulate.
agreed. i mean, you say the 1 in 4 thing, and some people interpret "unwanted sexual advance" as jump-from-an-alley stranger rape, and some of us think "oh, like when that creepy old Hungarian guy asked me if he could make my 'pap reek-a'", so you have this huge swath of people who feel the situation is a lot more terrible than it is and a huge swath of people who think it's no big deal at all.

i do think it would be useful to get an even remotely accurate statistic just to get people thinking about it, like BigFakeSmile said, sort of--for men to think that out of their twelve or fourteen female friends and relatives, it's likely one of them was somehow sexually molested; and for women to realise the danger (or, if it's a bit late for that, that they're not the only one).

but inaccurate statistics--1 in 4!--are often worse than no statistics at all. which sucks.