Manilla Fucking Road

I'm late on this, but...

Vihis: You like Camel but you thought Mark of the Beast was a dud???? Or do you just like Camel because Opeth does?
What do Camel and Manilla Road have to do with each other? There's hardly anything jazzy or proggish about Manilla Road. I just thought Mark of the Beast sounded pretty lifeless and monotonous compared to Crystal Logic.
Yeah I got that, but I'm not really seeing the connection personally.

edit: You need to fucking listen to Camel dude.
I have to say, as much as I've ragged on MR in this thread, I do find a comparison between them and Meshuggah pretty laughable.
Pretty much

rms: Sometimes it takes me a while to get into albums. I'd rather buy it and hold onto it for a while than download it once and not listen to it again. At least if I don't like it, I can get a decent resale value out of it since it's so rare.

Having a really big check coming to me this week helps things too