Manley Massive Passive EQ Powered Plug-in :)

I tried the UAD Massive Passive plugin (currently have it on demo) and I think it sounds awesome. The only thing that sucks is that one instance on my UAD-2 Duo uses up half of the processing power. The Massive Passive plugin is the best plugin EQ I have heard. But I think it is comparable to the Acustica Audio Nebula EQ's. Try running that many bands of EQ programs with Nebula though and you'll be hitting 40% CPU on a Core2 Quad in no time so I think the UAD2 is nice because it offsets that from the CPU.
The UAD plugs are the best-sounding plugs on earth, bottom line. I have a zillion plugs (McDSP/URS/Waves/Massey/blah) and was in the process of demoing the Waves CLA and Studio Classics plugs when I first tried the UAD-2 stuff. It blew everything else I'd used away, no joke.

I'm sure this is an amazing sounding EQ plug. Now I just need to get a new computer so I can go UAD-2 and never look back.
outdated and obsolete format?
man ,i don t understand your point

PCI cards for processing power is a stupid idea these days - I'm really surprised people still buy into it. It's the same thing ProTools HD is running into with the TDM bullshit.

With things like quad-cores being standard and Mac Pro's getting hexacore updates in the next month or two, anything but native-based plugins are pure shit if you ask me.

Especially when something like Fatso Jr. takes up like an entire UAD card of emulation? Fuck that, I want to be using my CPU power!
PCI cards for processing power is a stupid idea these days - I'm really surprised people still buy into it. It's the same thing ProTools HD is running into with the TDM bullshit.

With things like quad-cores being standard and Mac Pro's getting hexacore updates in the next month or two, anything but native-based plugins are pure shit if you ask me.

Especially when something like Fatso Jr. takes up like an entire UAD card of emulation? Fuck that, I want to be using my CPU power!

Well if people, like me, want to buy it, whats your problem with that?:mad: No one is holding a gun to your head and threaten to shoot if you dont buy a UAD-Card. And with dspcards you cant make warez of those plugins. So whats your real problem besides being a troll, obviously? Long time last time you got a fuck? :tickled: I would guess so.
PCI cards for processing power is a stupid idea these days - I'm really surprised people still buy into it. It's the same thing ProTools HD is running into with the TDM bullshit.

With things like quad-cores being standard and Mac Pro's getting hexacore updates in the next month or two, anything but native-based plugins are pure shit if you ask me.

Especially when something like Fatso Jr. takes up like an entire UAD card of emulation? Fuck that, I want to be using my CPU power!

when i think about it...FUCK, you're absolutely right!
The new UAD s are PCIe versions ; lot faster ,and the quad version it s wery powerful, loads a great bunch of plugs and you can use up to 3 in your PC plus you can use your Quad CPU power for your Natives, VST instruments etc.
Well if people, like me, want to buy it, whats your problem with that?:mad: No one is holding a gun to your head and threaten to shoot if you dont buy a UAD-Card. And with dspcards you cant make warez of those plugins. So whats your real problem besides being a troll, obviously? Long time last time you got a fuck? :tickled: I would guess so.

Attention noob with the 17 posts: Shut your fuck hole. I've been a contributing member of those forum for a damned long time (see date under avatar). You resorting to personal insults in 1 of your whopping 17 posts gives you a way higher trolling percentage than I could ever have.

My problem with it is that them marketing it and people buying it just perpetuates an outdated, dying platform. It would be like if software developers only developed on 32bit programs despite it's shortcomings compared to the 64bit architectures that have emerged in the last couple of years. Oh wait... :lol:

The new UAD s are PCIe versions ; lot faster ,and the quad version it s wery powerful, loads a great bunch of plugs and you can use up to 3 in your PC plus you can use your Quad CPU power for your Natives, VST instruments etc.

That's not the point - I don't want to have to buy cards that handle processing power worse than my CPU can.
Well if people, like me, want to buy it, whats your problem with that?:mad: No one is holding a gun to your head and threaten to shoot if you dont buy a UAD-Card. And with dspcards you cant make warez of those plugins. So whats your real problem besides being a troll, obviously? Long time last time you got a fuck? :tickled: I would guess so.

Troll? Just because he can actually think and use racional arguments? Are you religious?
Well if people, like me, want to buy it, whats your problem with that?:mad: No one is holding a gun to your head and threaten to shoot if you dont buy a UAD-Card. And with dspcards you cant make warez of those plugins. So whats your real problem besides being a troll, obviously? Long time last time you got a fuck? :tickled: I would guess so.

:lol: who the fuck are you calling a troll? GTFOkthxbai
I love my UAD card, but then again, I am biased as I was on a G4 and the UAD gave me loads more headroom for plugs, Now on a G5 and I still use it. If I had a huge Mac Pro, I probably wouldn't go for it tbh though. It was a great idea back in the day but I agree that they are become outdated with 8 core processors now!
JeffTD is spot on. Just like Digi, UAD are holding onto a sinking platform, and the saddest thing is that their diehard users are trying to justify it by making claims they are still the best plug-ins on the market etc. It's been a long while since that's been the case. It was amazingly funny when their venerable front line of plug-ins were found to not even have harmonic saturation modeled. The Waves and Softube 1176 models are so far ahead of the ancient UAD ones, it's beyond all doubt, yet UAD recently hung onto their ship by saying in their own tests they still found their models to be 'most accurate' :D

If you want the best, get the hardware. It will probably cost you less than the damn UAD2 cards alone.
If you want the best in the digital realm, but not be able to run it without a super computer, get Nebula.
If you're just a working man and want something that works while sounding awesome to boot, with reasonable CPU consumption, look at Waves, Softube, Lexicon & Soundtoys.

Honestly I'd have no trouble believing that Nebula modeling a Massive Passive would absolutely blow any UAD model out of the water. There is just no reason, IMO, to buy into the ancient external DSP platform. It's one hell of an inconvenient and under-powered dongle.