UAD Manley Massive Passive EQ


djenital moosic
Feb 17, 2006
Im sure those who have the card allready know but thought i would post it anyway. Plec has the hardware and the software and thinks this plugin is the shit. If a $300 plugin gets even halfway to the sound of a $4000 eq, I will have to buy it.

Haha, have you ever used the impulses of the Massive Passive that was floating around here a couple years back? One of the impulses was the MP with a simple HP and LP...Instant mix clarity when placed on the master buss, and to my ears sounded better than many EQ plugs set to the same settings.

Possible placebo effect, but just using those impulses made me drool over the idea of owning a real one.
Damn brotha, hook me up with that IR HAHA

I am going to pick this plug in up soon, I would like Plec to come in and give us his comments on the plug.

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I'll post it up here when I'm back at my recording computer. I'm assuming it's safe to upload, after all it was posted up here for free use before. IIRC, it was "repackaged" into a zipped file of nothing but impulses someone here posted....the original I think I got somewhere else.
only 1 stereo instance on an uad solo is absolutely ridicolous. no matter how good it may sound.
only 1 stereo instance on an uad solo is absolutely ridicolous. no matter how good it may sound.

damn. Thanks for pointing that out. Im running a UAD-2 DUO and only get 4 mono and 2 stereo instances........Lots of processing required? or just trying to piss a guy off? at any rate i will most likely just use it on the 2 buss and vox.

And a big thanks Nate, for the hook up man. :headbang:
This plugin really is the mainstay of UA's modelling technology. Owning only this plugin and using it in a smart way will make a greater improvement to your mixes and productions than any other EQ plugin you might have. Impulses are fine, but they don't capture nonlinearities and don't capture the vibe of actually tweaking it. This is like learning a new instrument. It doesn't quite work like any other EQ you've ever touched before so you need to think outside the box a little bit. Having impulses of this piece instead of using the plugin or the hardware is kind of like using MIDI grooves and EZ drummer on a whole album... It might get the job done, but you will lose the vibe and the details that actually make it special.
I respect UAD for going so intense with the modeling that an obviously huge amount of processing power is needed, however i think it shows the rather vast limitations in their DSP platform. That's a lot of money to pay for very very few instantiations.
It might be that Manley wanted a limited amount of instances.

And thanks for the reply Plec. I could tell by your tutorial that you were excited about the plug. Yeah im not going to use a IR on my mix but i was curious to here what that one snapshot souds like. Im buying this bitch! haha:kickass:
This plugin really is the mainstay of UA's modelling technology. Owning only this plugin and using it in a smart way will make a greater improvement to your mixes and productions than any other EQ plugin you might have. Impulses are fine, but they don't capture nonlinearities and don't capture the vibe of actually tweaking it. This is like learning a new instrument. It doesn't quite work like any other EQ you've ever touched before so you need to think outside the box a little bit. Having impulses of this piece instead of using the plugin or the hardware is kind of like using MIDI grooves and EZ drummer on a whole album... It might get the job done, but you will lose the vibe and the details that actually make it special.

To clarify, I didn't post the impulse link nor make the comment to mean that it would take the place of the unit or the plugin, far from it.

But, after hearing the impulse of the unit, it made me want the unit that much more...As in, "if the impulse does this, imagine what the read deal could do" was more the reason behind the link/post.
I've been playing with this for a few days and I'ts now living on the mix buss of all of my current mix projects. I will deffintly be picking this up when my demo runs out. I may have to add a quad to my system sometime soon.

People talk shit on the UAD system all the time and while I agree it can be frustrating to pay for the cards when my computer could more than handle it all, It ensures their copy protection and is the major reason why they get the official plugs for hardware manufactures like Manley. Aside from that, for "color" EQs and compressors UAD offerings impress me more than anyone else, and I try a lot of plugins. If I have to buy an overpriced DSP card to use them, so be it...
I respect UAD for going so intense with the modeling that an obviously huge amount of processing power is needed, however i think it shows the rather vast limitations in their DSP platform. That's a lot of money to pay for very very few instantiations.

I hear you Ermz, and I guess that's the general consensus, but for me I've never felt limited by the power available on the cards but that's probably also because I want to use them full out and in order to do that you must buy the most powered card, namely the Quad. All else is just an introduction to the platform IMO.

On my most intense mixes using their most DSP hungry plugins I might be at 40% on a Quad, and that's when I use so much stuff I expect to be up at around 80% or something, so I expect there will be a couple of years until I need to upgrade again. So hardware wise I'm looking at a $1500 investment over the course of about three years which really isn't that steep.

Then there's the situation that models like the Manley, or the FATSO and Neve 33609 wasn't intended to be used on every channel. Most studios, if they have a Manley MP around, they have one of them. Although you might like to use it on every single channel.. that will not happen neither in the analog or digital domain.

UA's models were made to be used in the way they were used in the analog world. A channel strip, you can use on several channels and it doesn't kill your system. An EMT 250 and EMT 140 reverb won't kill your system... and how many studios have more than that? People trying to use them as inserts and need multiple instances won't get very far... but then they are used in a way they weren't intended. And I think that's the main thing with people who don't get very much out of the cards is they use the plugins in ways that take up more DSP than necessary and don't realize that a Massive Passive wasn't intended to be used as a multiple instance channel EQ.

In a few years that will also change of course when UA releases UAD-3 or whatever, and that's just a bonus. At the time of release you can't expect to use the plugins in a different way than was possible in the analog world. Of course there are workarounds... just like in analog. You wan't to use it on a lot of channels? Then play it back through the gear and record it like that. Same in digital... make a sound and mix it down... keep the original as backup (a luxury often not even possible in the analog domain).

So basically, if you view the stuff more as analog hardware and not software plugins and you buy the Quad. You will have no problems with it. :headbang:
Well fuck! those 2 posts just sealed the deal for me, ordering it tonight! Thanks for the feed back fellas. And i agree Dave, I believe more and more plugin devs are going to go the route of UA becouse of piracy.
Well fuck! those 2 posts just sealed the deal for me, ordering it tonight!

let me know then if it was worth it.
i´m still running on 4 uad-1 cards here so there is no way for me at the moment to use it. and upgrading a complete pc system is always a bitch.
It seems to be doing rather well in a blind shoot-out on GS:

Plec, what you say makes sense and that's fair enough. My main thing is that the $1,999 (what UAD2 Quad costs here) is enough for me to buy a rather hefty second PC rig and network it up to my main system to share native CPU resources, thus getting a massive amount of processing headroom. It's just always ultimate bang for buck, and I find these cards hard to justify, no matter how great their plug-ins are getting (especially with how amazing Nebula has proven to be).

Best of luck to you guys with these plug-ins though. They seem to really bring the goods, sonically.
Nebula EQ is great sounding but still a PITA though kinda to use...if this can match that quality of sound (reports seem to say it does) but have all the bands in one nice instance that would be sweet.