Manley Massive Passive EQ Powered Plug-in :)

There is just no reason, IMO, to buy into the ancient external DSP platform. It's one hell of an inconvenient and under-powered dongle.

uad2 plugins to my ears are very very good sounding, they never really sound exactly like the hardware, but i think nobody here has the money to a/b the fairchild against the uad clone :)

so yeah : uad cards and shark dsp is outdated, but the main difference between dsp and standard cpu is : dsp work in realtime.
if we ran the uad plugins on our cpu, i think we would end up with 10 seconds of latency, which would suck balls.
im only guessing here, maybe im totally wrong?

but the main aspect is : without the uad card you cant have the uad plugins. i hate that everyone owns waves plugins, ozone etc. because there is just no safe way to protect their software. uad have walked the right path economically. i like the idea that not every kid has the uad plugins available in his "home studio".

the sound : i love my uad plugins, but at the same time on every prroject i run into major dsp power problems... i will have to spend another 1500€ on a quad just to be able to run a massive passive AND 4 fatsos... that is infact outdated especially considering the price you pay for uad cards.
Everyone does have the right to own them, when you pay for them. UA is fairly good for deals too, with deals every month. I got the Pultec Pro for $15 last month. While it may be amn outdated technology, I have huge respect for UA in the fact that they still care about UAD 1 customers, we still get updates and new plugs and you can pick up a UAD 1 card for peanuts if you looked. I will say one thing, I dont think I've seen a "How do use UAD plugins?" thread which is refreshing tbh :lol:
yeah, my point was more that i can understand the companies protecting their stuff, and uad is like line 6 very successful with that.
i just dont like the idea of ´paying 2000€ for my plugins and being forced to take 100€ per day while the kid next door offers 30€ per song mixing a song because he has no expenses in that regard.
so - no offense ;-) of course a home studio can be more pro than a pro studio, we all know that! (think sturigs etc.)
I think that everyone has right to have them.I think that's more important to know how to use them.You shouldn't separate people by "home studio" or "professional studio", once upon a time you were beginner too.

He is saying that it is nice that nobody can be a thieving cunt and steal them. People that have UAD stuff actually paid for the plugins.
Loren Littlejohn you have something against me?I have a feeling that you have something against me!On the last two or three posts here on the forum you always have something to say against me.I wanted to say that almost everyone started from home studio and from beginner and also wanted to say that everyone who has money to buy it has right to have pro audio software but does he know how to use them is a another story.
The new UAD s are PCIe versions ; lot faster ,and the quad version it s wery powerful, loads a great bunch of plugs and you can use up to 3 in your PC plus you can use your Quad CPU power for your Natives, VST instruments etc.

But why pay big bucks for a limited processing power card when you could use the same amount of money and update your CPU, which makes more sense to me?

I'm not saying the plugs aren't great, because I know they are good, I'm just saying that I will never be bounded to that card shit. makes no sense in the age of modern CPUs.
what if somebody has the newest Intel CPU and still needs CPU to run more Plugs and he want to use Manley and Fatso and Neve stuff plug ins to...? I perfectly understand your point, i am on the buget side too but UAD its still a great company one of the best plugs and they dont make native plug ins becouse with their cards they can protect themself from crackers.