Manowar Anyone??


Sep 24, 2003
S Yorkshire , UK
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Ive been playing alot of Manowar stuff of late just wondered whos into them on the board as i know there loved and hated by many :p

Ive got most of there albums and they are a very hit and miss band IMO but they have put out some top quality stuff in there time my faves being: Battle Hymns , Sign of the Hammer , Kings Of Metal
biozombie_uk said:
Ive been playing alot of Manowar stuff of late just wondered whos into them on the board as i know there loved and hated by many :p

Ive got most of there albums and they are a very hit and miss band IMO but they have put out some top quality stuff in there time my faves being: Battle Hymns , Sign of the Hammer , Kings Of Metal

I love Manowar :) They are one of my all time favorite bands some of my favorite songs include Gates of Vahalla , Hatered , Spirit Horse of the Cherokee and MANY more
ManOwaR fucking rule! And they're great for weeding out part-time Metal fans from the real deal - all those little scrotums who go "Aaaah! ManOwaR! Long hair! Furry boots! Screams! Words like 'power' and 'glory' in the lyrics! Omigod they must be GAY!". The problem is that ManOwaR kick absolute fucking ass. Love the singer, love his lyrics, love their anthemic headbanging songs, love the music. Favourite albums are Battle Hymns, Sign Of The Hammer and Fighting The World. The Triumph Of Steel rocks also.
As the song says, "other bands play, Manowar kill" - I suppose some people are just too, as they call themselves, "mature" to appreciate a band who go so far over the top and play with such power and conviction.

I'm hoping that "The Mullet Man" will be having a bit of Manowar on his new show. No chance of any on Kerrang! or MTV2, is there?
biozombie_uk said:
Anyone picked up there new album yet? And is it worth getting?

GET IT its worth buying its a record you really have to listen to many times to appreceate (Cant spell) There are Ass kicking songs on there and there are Beautiful songs its sooooo totally worth getting
I just recently got into ManOwar, and I wish I had found them sooner. They are greatness. I love everything about their music. I just have two of their CD's, Kings Of Metal and the new one, Warriors Of The World. I listen to Warriors at least once a week, a great album.
I love Manowar. Eric Adams has one of the strongest voices ever. Kingdom Come is probably one of my favorite songs by them, but there are so many good ones. I am afraid he is starting to lose his voice a little, but they have been around for about 20 years or so...
Manowar is my favorite band. They have a perfect sound, the lyrics are really cool. And have you seen the respect they have to their fans? They say "one Manowar fan worths 100 ones from the other bands". Music like "Brothers of Metal", "Army of the Immortals" and "Metal Warriors" they did to the fans.

My favorite CD from them is "Kings of Metal". And they are the Kings of Metal, of course...

"Bravery calls my name
In the sound of the wind in the night
My sword will drink blood
And I will fight
Yes I will fight
In the dawn of battle
Dawn of Battle"

Their early stuff was original as they played a new kind of Epic Metal, now their songs are more generic (except Nessun Dorma eheh...), but still good in my opinion.
Favorites albums : Into Glory Ride, Fighting the World, Kings of Metal.