Many, Many Changes.....


Vocalist - Guitarist
Apr 17, 2001
Mystic, CT
Man what a crazy week its been. In the last few days I've gotten promoted to a new job (start on Jan 2), quit my local cover band cause I now have no time, and gotten word from Underground Symphony that they are FINALLY going to release the Exxplorer CD in January. Its been quite a trip! I've been super lucky in that both my current boss and the band guys have been supportive. They easily could have made it a very nasty week.

Why do I mention all this? Because it means that since I can't really afford a specific amount of time per week for a band, the odds are that I'll have more time for recording... :):):)

Once I get in the flow in the new job, I'll be looking to crank up the recording!

So those of you who asked me to do vox for stuff: I'll be asking you in January to resend me the stuff you want me to work on...

I wish I could have joined you guys. I would have to bring my bass by MM's house and really do some cookin.
I'll bring some Canadian beer and could you imagine the time we would have.:)

After playing for most of the day, it's time to do the town and party hardy.

Shit, what a blast it would be.
Anyway, hope to see some new drum tracks soon.
take care

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