Status, or lack thereof...


Vocalist - Guitarist
Apr 17, 2001
Mystic, CT
Hey all,

Just an update on my situation. As you know I started a new job on January 1st. So far I've had to work 50+ hours every week - which includes Saturdays. After you add in the family time, I've had 0 time to do anything else. I am hoping that things are going to settle down in the near future so I can crank out some vocal tracks. I'll keep you posted.

Hey bro congrats on the new job..!
Yeah I about 55-60 hr a week too and I know the feel of burn-out with out drugs..

But I still have 3 vocal tracks out there waiting on final mix so.
I don't feel as if I need to sing another soon:rolleyes:
7th and I.W.O
Thanks dudes... I'm still here in spirit in the meantime. I forgot to mention that I still have to finish building the second floor of my house. So you can understand what is getting priority of my spare time.

I'll try to do what I can though.
Originally posted by jim
Thanks dudes... I'm still here in spirit in the meantime. I forgot to mention that I still have to finish building the second floor of my house. So you can understand what is getting priority of my spare time.

I'll try to do what I can though.

I can relate to that as well Jim!

I've got an electrician coming out to swap out the electrical service. We have an old 100amp fuse box that I want upgraded to a 200amp breaker box. Then, I'll start adding light fixtures and snaking all new jumpers for them on new circuits. I am kicking around the idea of re-wiring the entire house, but with so many projects to do, it may have to wait awhile at least. :rolleyes: :cool: