The Professor was right
OfSinsAndShred said:I'm gonna go ahead say quit being a bitch, they'll finish it when they finish it.
Second that.
OfSinsAndShred said:I'm gonna go ahead say quit being a bitch, they'll finish it when they finish it.
Beelzebub said:"Today I wrote down an F# on paper, then I went to enter it into the computer but got sidetracked when I started to play solitaire, then I picked my nose..."
Jax said:they're as anxious to get the damn thing done as you are, trust me. Pissing & moaning about it isn't going to make it happen any sooner, sorry to tell ya. we get this crap with EVERY cd, & I apologize if I sound a bit cranky (nothing personal), but it gets damn old after a while. The cd will be done when it's done and there will be news shared when there's news to share, so take a deep breath & try to be patient.
Snowmaker said:I'd just like to see them come to Detroit again and play a venue that won't cut their set short. That has happened the last 2 times I saw them.![]()
Progbass said:Rushed albums aren't neccesarily bad
TiO was done on rush, and it's great![]()
proulxski said:Its more out their for the fact that according to the updates, this album should be under recording phase as I type this message... and more on the bitchyness side of how cruddy the updates can be lol...
_Gentleman of_the Snow_ said:We were pretty much "promised" pics of them in the studio, and keeping us updated on the status of the new album. We've received close to nothing. I have no idea what the studio, or what their hair currently looks like... come on, now, lol.
Metalman7983 said:*some words*... take a break from symphony x ...*some words*
_Gentleman of_the Snow_ said:So many of you are "trying" to look like the good guy by pretending you don't check your homepage (SymX website) twice a day, hoping that there is a new update. We were pretty much "promised" pics of them in the studio, and keeping us updated on the status of the new album. We've received close to nothing.
ptah knemu said:It's called Moderation people! No its not legal to just flat out take a break from X, but you can listen to them and another band on the side. Like my current favorite bands are Sym. X, DT and Kamelot