Studio Report & other news updates *updated 1/10/06*

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But wouldn't it piss off other people knowing you don't want to piss them off because if you do piss them off then it will piss you off because you pissed them off?

It pisses me off when I get pissed off about people who don't want to piss off people who get pissed off anyway which causes the person who pissed them off to be pissed off themselves.

- Uber-Pwn3d to the 10th power
Do you realize that what you're doing is incredibly irritating? You're like the whiny little brat in the backseat asking their parents "are we there yet?" Doing so won't make the band crank out the new CD any faster. How many times does the same thing have to be explained to you? You're not better than anyone else. Do us all a favor and stop complaining, we're all waiting, too.

WHy does everyone always percieve a simply question as complaining... It pisses me off that everytime I try to fucking educate myself i get shot down... Answer the fucking question...Whether its Symphony X or Dream Theater... or Some garage band, I'm curious to know how long recording process usually take?

But some how you make it sound like I'm saying "Allright wtf taken them so long to release this new cd, they should be done recording by now, this is BS-they should hurry their asses on this album and rush the hell out of it!"

Sorry for the profanity but come on, telling me to stop complaning about something I am personally not complaining about meaning you complaining about it makes me angry!

But I guess its and endless void, becuase now someone is going to complain about me complaining about you complaining because I was complaining!

ugh...So does anyone have an answer, I have not vbeen a fan of Symphony X long enough to know anything about how they go about recording or written or anything... I am honestly just curious to know how long the 'recording' phase normally takes (based on past experience) This is a question I shoulda asked while they where touring with Mustaine...probably woulda actually recieved an answer
recording can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months but some bands can take a lot longer, many bands are perfectionists with their recording it could take forever but it really all depends for every band
take this into thought I will use Dream Theater as an example with their train of thought album they started recording in april 14 of 2003 to august of 2003and their album didnt come out until november 11 of 2003
It also depends on if the band is doing their music as their day job or if recording has to be fit in around a work schedule, family obligations, etc. There's no solid answer to 'how long does it take', it depends on so much.
Jax said:
It also depends on if the band is doing their music as their day job or if recording has to be fit in around a work schedule, family obligations, etc. There's no solid answer to 'how long does it take', it depends on so much.

Totally sensible--and isn't it true that some of the band members still have their day jobs?
I don´t think that anyone´s asking the band to rush anything, but the "whining" is obviously due to the fact that everyone´s in the dark here..
I am one of those who checks, and have checked the updates every day since the one in April, hoping for any kind of news...
Personally I do get a bit disappointed, and I bet that all you "anti-whiners" are just as frustated as anyone else, except that you don´t have the guts to say it in fear of being perceived as a lesser fan.
"We have begun the writing process" and "the album´s done" are not the only subjects of interest, so naturally, people ask.
Totally agree with Nocturnal Swede on this one. But of course they don't "owe us" anything. But still, we are the fans, we are the ones buying their albums and by that supporting them in several ways - economically for an example. And money can't be that bad when you are a band, huh? So one little update in four months time isn't THAT much to ask about. And it's certainly not whining when you wonder about it! Like Nocturnal Swede said, it's not only "writing" and "album done" that is of interest. I'm sure everyone agrees on this, even you that call us who wants more updates for whiners.
alright thats cool, thx for the answer...Thats another good question, what do they do for a living outaide of the band? I know Rullo does alot of drum clinics and stuff.. and I believe Pinnella used to work at a music store... But I am un-sure... Anyway sorry bout the trouble I caused and thx for an answer!
Nocturnal Swede said:
I bet that all you "anti-whiners" are just as frustated as anyone else,

Indeed we are.

except that you don´t have the guts to say it in fear of being perceived as a lesser fan.

Uh, nope! It's just that we're mature enough to realize that whining won't accomplish anything so we find better things to talk about like hot guys. :p
Nocturnal Swede said:
I don´t think that anyone´s asking the band to rush anything, but the "whining" is obviously due to the fact that everyone´s in the dark here..
I am one of those who checks, and have checked the updates every day since the one in April, hoping for any kind of news...
Personally I do get a bit disappointed, and I bet that all you "anti-whiners" are just as frustated as anyone else, except that you don´t have the guts to say it in fear of being perceived as a lesser fan.
"We have begun the writing process" and "the album´s done" are not the only subjects of interest, so naturally, people ask.

I do always hope for updates and it's always nice when we get one--but they (and the album!) will come when they come. Bitching only makes people NOT want to do anything for you, and that's what any band's work is--a favor, NOT an obligation.

Obviously some of you have never waited in vain for the next Pink Floyd album that will never come, where the guitarist just gives bullshit statements that amount to "Maybe, maybe not, wouldn't YOU love to know", and even the simple re-release of a concert video gets delayed time and time again with zero explanation. And that's been going on for 12 years.

Needless to say that puts a VERY different perspective on bands like Symphony X and Blind Guardian that have actually released multiple things THIS CENTURY.
And of course, maturity is the issue here... *sighs* But since YOU say it, of course it's right! :worship:
I understand what you mean Rose, but the fact is that you seem to be missing the point... It´s still not about rushing the album...
If the guys are that busy (which I totally can understand), I think that a simple "lyrics are done" or "guitars are being tracked" would satisfy people a lot more than nothing.. At least it gives some kind of perspective on how things are evolving even if there´s nothing "groudbreaking".
They make music for the love of music, but at the end of the day, a record is still released in the purpose of being bought and we are the "demand".
Don´t get me wrong here, I´m not trying to be an asshole or disrespect the band in any way. I´ve been a hardcore fan for about 11 years, and I´ll still buy the record the day it´ll surface, it´s more for you to understand what peolpe actually are trying to say before shooting them down.
indeedly, well put notcurnal swede. People mis-interpret "Where are the updates?" with "Release the album now!" Id rather hear something than nothing! Kamelot has at least 2 updates a month, evergrey even has some recent updates. But Symphony X's webpage is way out of date. The tour date section is still hosting those of Gigantour... and the last 'studio update was november-16th.. That being said we are growing restless... But not for th album yo release.I'm excited about it, and getting less and less everyday... I'm sure the majority of the people in the forums would be able2 to wait untill march 2007 for this album to release as long as they hear something about it
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