Symp X New Album/Lack Of!!!!

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Jax can you please close this thread now and every thread about the same topic??!!

There is still the STUDIO REPORT THREAD!

And if some people can't realise the situation and their fanaticism, ignore them, as hard as it sounds, don't torture yourself!!
wchuck said:
Jax can you please close this thread now and every thread about the same topic??!!

There is still the STUDIO REPORT THREAD!

And if some people can't realise the situation and their fanaticism, ignore them, as hard as it sounds, don't torture yourself!!

I'd rather keep this thread open and focus on Ptah's infidelity to his "true passion" *glares at Ptah*.

Pfffttthhh.... true passion my sack.

edit: included smiley as not to cause greif on the board.
Okay, I'm gonna close this while it's on a good point (and lol Zach, you crack me up). Thank you, please drive through.
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