You forgot to mention that Russell Allen is so "grrr bastards burn" on this album.
Parts where I agree:
1. Lack of keyboard. Yeah, definitely poor Pinnella doesn`t get what he deserves here. The Lords of Chaos is the best example I think.
2. Some quotes: "We are strong - We will stand and fight" and first 2 verses of When All is Lost and almost entire Light Up the Night lyrics are really bad.
3. Allen is sometimes trying way too hard and sounds awful, like in the beginning of Prometheus (I am Alive)
4. Songwriting is not that good, but only when it comes to The End of Innocence (typical), Light Up the Night (average) and it`s hard to tell, but I think Children and The Lords are on purpose made almost boring on the second stanza and repeated chorus, then suddenly the rhytm, melody and atmosphere is changed and it becomes really badass (third stanzas of Children & The Lords are really incredible, I love them). Also, Dehumanized chorus is a little bit too long and Prometheus intro and solo could have been made longer.
Parts where I don`t agree (let the game begin):
1. When keyboard is on, it`s freaking amazing. This album is very rarely focused on Pinella, almost always it`s in the background. But you know what? I don`t mind! Iconoclast, The End of Innocence intro, solo and chorus; Dehumanized intro and third stanza + instrumental; Bastards of the Machine; Heretic intro; Prometheus intro and so on, it`s just just amusing, so weird, melodic and progressive sound.
2. and 3. I love those lyrics. Some of them are my favorites of all time, like Prometheus - the perfect description of the totalitarian system mostly from the dictator`s point of view. Also, Heretic as the machines explaining why they`re turning humans into robots; then that`s strange part that we should trust heretics tearing down the tyranny and that amazing "speech" from a human point of view that he is changed inside, he`s no himself anymore and there`s no way to rescue him. That`s pretty good, strong lyrics for me. Of course they are over the top and even a little bit brutal, but SX`s music and Allen`s voice for me is always over the top, so lyrics just fits perfectly to the atmosphere. I think Russell was born to sing and scream lyrics like these. He enjoys while doing it so much, the entire band is enjoying it so much like it`s the best thing you can do in your life. Happiness is literally flooding your ears. And of course, some of these quotes are just so badass and powerful: "No escape - I`m dead inside" "Rise of the One, the dark Iconoclast, forging the cult of fear" "Infection spreads in the blood of the damned" "Set your soul on fire" and like 30 more of those. It continues the idea of PL lyrics with also many great quotes like "I`m the Master of Illusion - Minister of Sin - Two-faced snake - wicked - sheding skin". Really that good or with a lot of message? No. Epic as never before? Hell yeah.
4. Songwriting of this album is absolutely amazing, I will never forget main riff arise in Iconoclast and "Victory or death!" moment, Reign in Madness intro and chorus and much, MUCH more very memorable ideas. There are like hundreds of them, I can`t even comprehend all of those.
5. Cover of the special edition is in my opinion the best metal album cover ever. The masks as a society metaphore is really amazing. That 3 or 2 faces are mysterious and even kind of scary.
6. SX is finally heavy and fast as it should be, but still very weird and specific. This album is almost pure "normal" metal that we`ve heard thousand times before, but with so many elements made different in new SX ways, it`s so refreshing, there is so much passion and effort put into it that I can`t say it`s a flaw. This is the perfect remake and reboot of the 80's. It`s like all bands (including SX of course) mixed together and this is our rock'n'roll cocktail. I think this was the very dangerous move, maybe on of the most dangerous in history of music, it could become a shit very easy but there was like 1% chance that this will be the best album ever made. And they did it. It`s not just good, it`s the absolute masterpiece. BUT I think they should end this style on Iconoclast, there is no way that another rock'n'roll cocktail will be better than any average metal. I`m glad they trying something different now.
It`s full of flaws, but you know what? There are no great advantages without great flaws.
Paradise Lost on the other hand is almost completely different than this and review would be almost nothing like that one, but it`s only a little bit worse than Iconoclast.
Wow, I finally described for the first time ever why I love this album. And this is just like 20% of what I wanted to say. My life is complete now

But seriously, sometimes that`s annoying that none of my friends listens to them.