Mark Bass


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
Yo guys! I've just been offered an endorsement from Mark Bass, but I've unfortunately not had a chance to play many of them.

There's a shop that stocks them near me, but they don't have many of the range, but all the ones I've played (in practise rooms) have sounded awesome.

I'd really be interested in taking them up on this offer, as I've heard that they're pretty reliable, and also very light, so that they're not too much of an ass-ache to move about on tour. Plus, as I said, I've liked the small amount that I've heard.

However, my problem is that I don't know that much about their range, and what their different amps sound like, so I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice as far as this is concerned?

A link to my band's profile is in my sig, so you can hear what sorta thing I'll be wanting to use it for. I'll also mostly be using it for playing live, but might end up using it for recording aswell.

Thanks in advance!
Is it artist pricing or free? I got burned once working with a company who's amps I was unfamiliar with. It ended up being a real PITA so I would definitely recommend playing some of them or if you have the clout see if they can get you a loaner/rental/demo unit to try out.
It's only artist pricing man, but I could really do with a live rig as I don't have one at all at the moment, and it's a fairly decent amount off... They just have quite a few different models, and I have no idea what a lot of them sound like :(
dude MarkBass is the SHYT!

Light-weight, really clear, punchy as hell, and very diverse for it's size & weight. I'm sure you could dial in a tone you like in seconds.

Just assraping expensive for the normal person...
They were in here at my work not too long ago - showing off some really cool stuff. I forget which model it was, but there was one amp that had a hi-pass filter on the OD, which let the clean bass DI still fill out the bottom end. Sounded amazing, but a bit more "hi-fi" than what I dig.

After giving up on Ampeg (just gone down hill since the overseas change), I did A/B a bunch of different brands. Settled upon Aguilar.
I finally got my Little Mark 3 (one of the new models) delivered last month... me and the band are totally happy with it!
I run it through the Markbass Standard 4x10 box with front ports (called the 104HF). No shit, that box is actually lighter than my ENGL Invader head... :D
My back is deeply grateful about that (not about the Invader being fucking heavy, though!).

And I love the portability of the Little Mark 3 head, right after the first rehearsal I just put it in my backpack to take it home and record with it. The lineout can be switched to pre/post EQ on this model and I got quite nice tones out of it on the spot.

Prior to buying I also tried some other Markbass products. I have to say I was not nearly as impressed by the R500, and really underwhelmed by the Classic 4x10 box, they somehow lacked that certain punch. The R500 doesn't have the most awesome feature... the "Variable PreShape Filter".
I naturally always go for a modern punchy, quite scooped but precise sound, and those products seem to be voiced for more oldschool sound.

So I can and do recommend the Little Mark Heads and Standard boxes... however for an endorsement you also have to consider the terms of the deal.
It's only artist pricing man, but I could really do with a live rig as I don't have one at all at the moment, and it's a fairly decent amount off... They just have quite a few different models, and I have no idea what a lot of them sound like :(
Nothing wrong with artist pricing. Honestly I would just check out what you're interested in on the website and ask the AR guy for a dealer that has some you can check out within a reasonable distance.
i know i tried the little mark II head and really loved it, had i not found such a killer deal on the mesa big block i almost certainly would have picked one up