Marshall/Celestion Vintage Speaker.


Jan 21, 2006
Reykjavik, Iceland
Im in the process of Uberkabing X my 1960A.
I ordered some Vintage 30.....first shipment had the wrong speakers.
So I ordered again and now the speakers i got just say Marshall Vintage. (The store that ordered them for me is a marshall and ordered them probably as a replacement for a marshall cab rather than just the cab straigt up)
there was a thread with this discussed a while back but I cant find it.

The question is.... Is this a real Celestion Vintage 30 ? other model? similar.....

If anyone remebers where that thread was or can give me some info before i rip my cab apart tonight and put in the wrong ones :worship:.

Tip: dont try to explain yourself to idiots that work at music stores...they will just get confused and fuck it up.....once atleast....maybe twice...lets see.
Mine look like this

Marshall uses re-branded Vintage 30s in their 1960AV cabs. They're real V30s. I think Marshall slaps a higher wattage rating (70 watts) on them, rather than 60, and I've heard they test them somehow, for consistancy or power handling or bass response or something along those lines.

But yeah, they should just be V30s with a different sticker on the back.