Marshall JVM410HJS in action


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
So today I did a play-through of a Tacoma song. I used my JVM Satriani and an ENGL vertical 2x12 w/v30's... you don't actually see much of the amp, but what you hear me play is through the Marshall and is not processed at all - just microphone on the bottom speaker.

Rest of the song is from the album recording sessions.

Let me know what you think!
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Love it great job!
The song has that nice Tool vibe to it the singing guitars drumming is great. The bass is amazing and the tone superb as well.
You might get some people that will skip over the clip due to the length and the style, but I've already watched/listened to it several times :D

Heh, while doing some google searches, found an older thread of yours that had no replies (JVM Satch Honey Moon period thread) outlining the differences...goddamn it, makes it sound like the perfect amp for me.
The original JVM410H is a great amp, no doubt, but I don't really try to play 'tight' Sylosis (Josh Middleton is using the 410H AFAIK) or tech death stuff anymore, so my need/desire for a super tight sounding amp isn't there.

This sounds bit darker and a bit saggier/not as tight, which is absolutely fucking perfecto as far as I'm concerned.

Found it funny some people were complaining about it not having as much gain as the original JVM410.
Given that it's Satch approved, I have a hard time believing it lacks gain, given that many guitarists like more gain for solos/lead playing (to smooth out legato and such a bit) than rhythm playing. Probably just guys with crap technique that are bitching, heh.
Aye man, it doesn't lack gain at all. It does have less, but it's more controlled and less wibbly-wobbly titbags like the former one.

And yeah, I know the length and style will put some people off, but fuck 'em.... ADD motherfuckers! :devil:
i dont have the original jvm so i cant compare the gain amount but there is definitely more than enough gain.. One thing i like about the amp is the range of the knob is more "realistic"/useful so maybe that might be what they are referring too perhaps less extreme? but definitely something that you could realistically use.
Always keen for more JVM action.

My tech recently told me it's fairly common to replace the choke and caps in the regular model to make the tone feel more organic. Apparently the recommendation came straight from Marshall. Since I kind of love how abrasive the regular JVM can get, I wouldn't dare, but it could be worth looking into for those after a more traditional tone from theirs.
Always keen for more JVM action.

My tech recently told me it's fairly common to replace the choke and caps in the regular model to make the tone feel more organic. Apparently the recommendation came straight from Marshall. Since I kind of love how abrasive the regular JVM can get, I wouldn't dare, but it could be worth looking into for those after a more traditional tone from theirs.

Yeah the Satch model actually has those modifications from what I know.
from what i understood the first two channels are quite differently voiced then the original JVM channels 1 and 2. the other two i think are based on the channel 3 of the original but you can press the mid shift button fto achive the tones of the 4th channel of the original (so you have two channels that are the same; the 3rd and fourth)

Im actually quite curious to compare mine with the original but youre too far Ermz :s!

By the way what cabs do you use it with? ive tried it with a boogie (standard and trad) but gonna try it with my marshall as well (t75s).

Surprisingly i didnt experiment much with the last two channels yet (i have other high gain amps and the aim for that one was a jcm type and more rock oriented tones, but now im really curious about the high gain ones) but i just love the second channel. Then i tried the clean channel and i was blown away. I didnt buy this amp for the first channel but it was totally worth it!
Which amp have you got rispsira? The regular one, or the HJS?

The main reason I never got the original JVM was because of the channel switching mute-circuit. It would add some latency to the channel change, which I just found unacceptable.

The HJS is much better in that respect.