Maryland Death Fest !!!!!!!!!!!!

and well, for me is the song...for a more abrasive, more hostile...more macho image...that i in some way would contribute to my band....the marriaeg went fucken excellent, for a guy like me who's well...well, learnt from mysitakea, so tos one way or another...but yo se ther the town of nola which i love s is fuc a debacuerhy of sin and swampa s and to me...ther key?

i'm too drunk
DemonsAndLies666 said:
i went to the movies today and its a R rated movie right. im 18... ID says im 18... but im only allowed to buy ONE ticket for the movie. they say that in order to buy more then one ticket i have to be 21 or over. Quote]

they aren't allowed to sell a 2nd ticket to an under 21 year old at a R movie as they don't want you handing it to a kid who isn't allowed at the movie