Mass Effect 3!!!

i haven't played ME3 yet so i don't know what the ending is about, but i find it strange people think they could have some sort of authority over things like this. they don't recall movies and rewrite their endings if people decide they don't like the ending.

it's a work of art, like it or not.

I'm about 28 hours in and I'm loving the entire experience so much. So I don't really care how it ends because I'm going to back and start again to have a different universe unfold :D however, even though I don't agree with those complaining and trying to change the ending, I at least understand.

"we played all 3, spent our money and countless hours making the choices and calls the game puts forward because it's oh so important, and then you cop out the eding, the culmination of all our work and choices... For a mediocre and badly executed end.."

I at least understand the frustration
i haven't played ME3 yet so i don't know what the ending is about, but i find it strange people think they could have some sort of authority over things like this. they don't recall movies and rewrite their endings if people decide they don't like the ending.

it's a work of art, like it or not.
Firstly, I think you'll see why people are upset when you finished the game. It's not even about the ending itself, more like the way all your choices are completely disregarded, there are several logical mistakes, to put it simply: they didn't live up to all their promises about "choices that will matter". What most people want is an extended ending with more explanations and a real "epilogue", not just a 10 second cutscene ;) Granted there are some who want a completely different ending which I don't think will happen.

Secondly, it wouldn't be the first time a company delivers an alternate ending to a game or a movie - or even a book. There are dozens of examples, and most importantly Bioware did it before (alternate / extended ending delivered through a DLC / addon). They also stated on Twitter and Facebook that DLCs are coming and they are considering all options. In the end it's probably not even the "pressure" that forces them to make a new ending, but the option to make even more money with a paid DLC :D

I'm about 28 hours in and I'm loving the entire experience so much. So I don't really care how it ends because I'm going to back and start again to have a different universe unfold :D however, even though I don't agree with those complaining and trying to change the ending, I at least understand.

"we played all 3, spent our money and countless hours making the choices and calls the game puts forward because it's oh so important, and then you cop out the eding, the culmination of all our work and choices... For a mediocre and badly executed end.."

I at least understand the frustration
Yeah but that's the thing: No sense in playing through the game again because you get the exact same ending(s). I played through ME1 three times, ME2 five times and loved the different reactions of the characters, choices and development. I'm currently playing ME3 a second time as 100% renegade (first playthrough was 100% paragon, both characters imported from ME1 and ME2 obviously) and I can't really motivate myself because it won't matter AT ALL :( Seriously sad.
In the end it's probably not even the "pressure" that forces them to make a new ending, but the option to make even more money with a paid DLC :D

sadly, you made a very valid point there... you might even be right.

it seems that these days they deliberately remove things from the finished game to sell them as DLC:s later, which sucks in every way except for them of course.

i was pretty bummed out to notice that some DLCs are actually just "unlocks", not actual downloadable game content. i had some spare points on my xbox user account and bought some DLCs for Deus Ex:HR for the second playthrough, and many of them weighted merely at a few kilobits. so i only got what was already there.
Yeah the fact that the dlc is available at launch is, quite frankly, insulting.

The game basically turned into a story driven third-person shooter, a la Gears Of War.
I actually really enjoyed ME3 the ending was not all that bad could of been much better. wish they would of showed a after shot of the war of everyone rebuilding. But overall i still feel Mass Effect is my favorite video game series next to Resident Evil
So.. I finally finished this last night.. well this morning at 330am after 40 hours of completing everything I could..
After playing through 1 ending, and then youtubing the other 2 options.. I must also say, as many already have... WTF bioware :S
It's a really bad ending to such an amazing trilogy.. Oh well :S
I've beaten the game 3 times now with a save file that went through the previous ME games and a couple others. What really bothers me is that the latter 2 replays through ME3 felt exactly the same, even with different save files. There was no replayable dynamic I had come to know from the other ME games, you simply do everything in a straight line up until the ending. "Machines destroy 99% of organic life so organic life won't create machines that destroy 100% of them" :guh:
I've beaten the game 3 times now with a save file that went through the previous ME games and a couple others. What really bothers me is that the latter 2 replays through ME3 felt exactly the same, even with different save files. There was no replayable dynamic I had come to know from the other ME games, you simply do everything in a straight line up until the ending. "Machines destroy 99% of organic life so organic life won't create machines that destroy 100% of them" :guh:'ve beaten 3 times a mass effect game that came out like 3 weeks ago? i doubt you've been able to try all the different options available in the game at that rate. :Spin:

or if you have, and this game is actually short along with all the other negative stuff i've heard, it's probably not worth my money.