Massey Plugins


Jul 10, 2008
Im thinking about treating myself to the Massey CT4 compressor. I use the L2 limiter at work, and it's the best mastering Limiter I've ever used.

Anybody also have the Massey CT4, or any of their plugins for that matter? Worth the money?
I have the Massey CT4 compressor. It is pretty good especially for how cheap it is. The only thing I don't particularly like about it is that I can't change the ratio or the threshold but it sounds great anyway! I have the demo of the Limiter and love it but I just haven't gotten around to buying it. By the way have you seen his new De-Esser?

Massey De-Esser
It looks pretty bad ass!
Try the L2007, you'll never go back to an L2.

The CT4 is really nice, pretty clean compared to a lot of compressor plugins.

You can't go wrong with any of his plugins, plus the prices are incredible. Download the demo and check it out. You'll probably end up buying it!
The L2007 is amazing, and has helped me get out of alot of bad situations at work. I much prefer it to the overpriced L2007... I havent tried the deesser yet, but I will download it and give it a shot. Im sure its up to spec. Im really hoping that he makes a reverb next, that would be freaking awesome.

Does anybody reccommend using the CT4 as a master bus compressor, Im looking to really improve the percieved loudness of my mixes. Squashing dynamics isn't such an issue, but I just want to know if the CT4 is intended/can be used that way.