Master Chef Chromie's Sopaipillas Fest 2003 !!!

I didn't eat any of it, i just made it, that's all!!! come to think of it, no one ate it except that one stupid guy...heh heh heh, that's what he got for putting ex-lax in his cake, that some ppl ate...i didn't though. heh. but nooooo, i've been a semi-veg for 2 years this june
hahaha... I've always wanted to try baking with ex-lax, perhaps for an office party or something ...
but then I realize, i'm not THAT much of a bastard (most of the time, lol)

and kudos again for your semi-vegetarian-ness!

only took me 6 years of that, before going all out.

but I'll never think less of someone for eating meat, to each their own!... but I am proud of those who don't! :D
well i do my's just kinda hard not to eat any meat at all when my mom comes home and makes dinner and expects you tp eat what she's made....she does at least try to limit it too chicken and fish and such....when she makes something with beef or pork i just have something else and she gets pissed. but once i'm out on my own...i'll prolly go all veg!
my family took it hard for a while, never knowing what to fix for dinners.
Especially since it happened right before Thanksgiving a few years ago., hahaha. I come home for thanksgiving break, and they had no idea what to do! "what?? you mean you don't want ANY turkey??" hahahah

nowadays they love it, after realizing there's so many more options than just salads, my mom hardly eats any meat these days, other than chicken and fish.

My dad will always seem to have issues with it though, lol.. always just cooking hamburgers and steaks for himself, when a plate of veggies is laid before him!
thanks guy!!

yeah , I'm a pro , alright! hahaha

I'm an aspiring chef, who is too lazy to actually cook things, but when I do I go all out! :lol:
oh and btw chromie you're off the hook today, those sopaipillas are random enough
just vegetarian...

I like cheese, and the occasional egg, but I think those are good for nutrition I wouldn't get elsewhere, protein, etc..

and being vegan would be too much of a hassle all around, but perhaps one day I'll make the step...

ct: thanks, hehe... I'm still workin' on the tartar sauce one anyway! :devil:
Wow Chromie!!
Looks good!!
And a cooking battle? I'm in!!! :D
Cool pics, btw!!

yeah cheese good mmmmm, i hate eggs, but i em' sometimes anyway, bbbbllllgggghhhh:yuk:....ha ha and yeah i'm not even gonna think about going vegan til i'm and old prune. i'm a sucker for leather boots......ha ha ok take your time on the tartar sauce.
hey iris!!!!!! thanks !!

yeah I hated eggs too for a while now, umm like a year ago i guess I had some egg, and i felt so sick, so not again, until i tried one last week and it wasn't too bad, so now it may be like a once a month thing, just to add variety to breakfast.

same thing happened with me and milk, I had some milk, felt so grossed out by it, and havent had any since.
heh, yeah.. leather is another reason i wouldnt go vegan.

I believe that the synthetic industry puts off way more waste and does more harm to the environment than any leather producing cattle ranch could cause.

As long as the animals aren't kept in shit conditions, its a-ok.

organic all the way!
oh yeah, milk too.....makes me sick. i occasionally have some with ovaltine jsut cuz i like the taste...but boy do i pay for it.
try some soy milk! I usually don't like the stuff by itself, but try some various brands, find one that makes a good taste with ovaltine!