Master Chef Chromie's Sopaipillas Fest 2003 !!!

don't expect it to taste like milk... it doesn't!!

8th continent brand is what I'm using now, it tastes good on my cereal in the mornings

a lot of people seem to like "Silk" brand as well..

I've got to do more research into what tastes best, other than starting a week ago, I hadn't had any soy milk in perhaps over a year (and even longer for normal milk!) and I felt I was missing out on milk-type things, lol.

there's usually plain, vanilla, and chocolate varieties of each, so a lot of different possible flavors to experience!
yup.. but they taste too much like real burgers to me.
the taste is one of the main reasons I stopped eating meat.

I like Morningstar products and not so much the Boca ones, all the meat eaters I know seem to like Boca over morningstar, so thats more proof they know what they're doing when it comes to meat substitutes! .... but I'm not for meat 'substitutes', I like alternatives.
kewl!!!! i've never had a boca burger thing. BUT hell yay! i like morning star too! not so much, but occasionally i'll have a morning star veggie burger. i like em, they have a diff't taste than meat, definitely, but they're good!
cool! :D

OK hey.. ct, and Iris (cause I think you're still around! ;) )

I'm headin' outta here! I've got stuff to do so I may not be back online until later. I'm lookin' forward to some pics, ct! aww haw haw! :)

oooookkkaaayyyyyy:zzz:......see ya latah!!!!
Chromatose said:
My dad will always seem to have issues with it though, lol.. always just cooking hamburgers and steaks for himself, when a plate of veggies is laid before him!
thats becuase steaks and hamburgers are better than a plate of veggies.
Steaks & burgers are a necessity! Not that fast food crap, but homemade, or Culver's Butter Burgers. Went to Lone Star Steakhouse for my mom's b-day last week. Best steak I've ever had, yummy. Didn't even need A1 sauce!
Those sopaipillas look pretty damn good too.

CT, e-mail me the recipe for these things, they made me VERY hungry when I looked at them. (The Sopaipillas)
Funny story on veganism/vegatarianism.

We had an open forum on the war today at school, and my friend Katie went up to speak. She started off with a standard anti-war message, but then started getting into her usual vegan, anarchist, no nations, "Get out of the capitalist cycle and change your lifestyle," along with some implications that going vegan was the way to fight war.

So I went up, and presaged my comments (on voting) with the following:

"Now, I'm as anti-war as anybody here. I am definitely not fucking down with people getting killed. But when I hear that I've gotta be vegan and anti-leather to really support peace, that's - that's just bullshit.
Let me tell you something - in my backpack over there is a paper bag. In that bag is a sandwich. This sandwich has ham in it, and that ham came from a living, breathing pig. That pig is no longer living and breathing. That is because it is dead.
That sandwich has cheddar cheese in it.That cheese came from cow milk, and those cows probably were given chemicals to increase their milk output.
That sandwich has mustard on it, and rye bread on either end. I don't know if there's anything wrong with those, but I bought them from Safeway instead of making them myself.
But you know what? I'm still against the war. And when I finish this speech, I'm going to go back to my seat, open my backpack, and EAT MY FUCKING SANDWICH!!"

I guess you had to have been there.

Oh, I'm in for the cook-off, and will bitchslap you all into culinary oblivion with my almighty Tandoori chicken.