Master of Illusion merchandise


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
We've decided that the band will be producing the new merchandise, rather than Napalm so we are just costing this up at the moment.

The designs are in and look cool.

At the moment, we are just considering a regular MOI T-shirt with backprint but we have also got a brand new girlie shirt designed as well....just now sure on the demand for this particular item.

Yea! Awesome!

I'd love to see a Master of Illusion hoodie, if possible...
Awesome!! :rock: :rock:
I'm getting one as soon as they become available :kickass: Love the design and can't wait to wear it to the show in Birmingham or Southampton still don't know which at the moment as i'm still working out transport but i'll definitely be at one!!!!!!!

Well that's the T-Shirt all that's left are the recordings of Can I Play With Madness and The Tragedy Suite :p
Awesome!! :rock: :rock:
I'm getting one as soon as they become available :kickass: Love the design and can't wait to wear it to the show in Birmingham or Southampton still don't know which at the moment as i'm still working out transport but i'll definitely be at one!!!!!!!

Well that's the T-Shirt all that's left are the recordings of Can I Play With Madness and The Tragedy Suite :p
Come to Southampton dude, there'll be lots of us. End of tour party, too!
I was planning on coming to the Southampton show but i can't find some decent public transport :mad: I really don't want to miss this but it looks as if i'd have to get the last train home from Southampton which would arrive at 6:30 in the morning! and i've got work on the monday - although i might be able to get it off... other than that i'm outof ideas