Mastering Mp3's


Damien's Cry
Dec 9, 2001
Morrison, IL
Could anyone help master some mp3's my band has recorded. Everything sounds really good it's just the vocals are a little too queit and they need to be brought out more. They're really good and sound perfect but it's hard to hear everything because sometimes there's so much going on at once. Our music it basically a mixture of Katatonia and Smashing Pumpkins but some of our stuff is a lot heavier. We wouldn't be able to pay you for your help but we'll mention you in the credits for mastering our demo.

Thx a lot for the help!
I'm not so good at these, but i can give u info on wat i think... :rolleyes:

I basically think that problem is in the mixing... First of all those heavy parts (guitar) with the distortions sound really take up most of ur track's volume. So if you're using software mixing, then try increasing the volume of that indivisual vocals track. If still that don't help umm... and if you're using some other mixing techniques or just recording the live play, you could use computer-in built amplifiers to control that. It's not so effective, but there will be an improvement. Define your vocals by treble and bass, and whichever side it goes, increase that in the record equiliser. There are other features too. So, good if you got tracks (seperate/indi
vidual) but if it's all played and recorded, it can't be improved too much.

If you're looking for pro. help then actually im not so helpful, cus i say wat i think :)
anyway, hope that helps... and best of luck for ur demo! :)