
Oct 16, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
hey all.

anyone listen to slipknot? well there latest cd is amazing in production.

lets see, the song "Psychosocial" is so hard hitting. i can hear transients on drums, and then mostly guitars and vocals. its an extremely loud mix, very real sounding and it slams.

this kind of mix makes me feel like when i master i do something wrong. i know some ME probably did this no doubt, BUT, that doesnt mean i cant learn how to master stuff for non label bands.

so this brings me to tools i need. my list of plugs ive bought thus far includes:

izotope 4
superior drums
cubase 5
Waves API collection - though wishing i bought ssl plugs instead (saving)

so i feel like thats a pretty good amount of plugs for getting a nice sound. i just need guidance and advice for new gear.
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I think Colin Richardsson mixed the album. "very real sounding" There are allot of samples on the drums, i can hear it from a mile away.
Good luck in trying to produce something to that standard...
It's probably loud because there's next to no low-end, on the drums in particular. So there's free headroom. The fact that you're 'hearing transients on the drums' is because it seems to be very high-mid centric drum sound. No body, all tock.

Knowing that sterling had recently grabbed a copy (or a few?) of FG-X, chances are the transients are more pronounced because they are using that too.
well you're probably not mastering through $100,000 of outboard gear in a finely treated room are you?

i didnt say aything about my own quality. nor was i comparing it. i said this kinda of production makes me feel like im doing something wrong. as in "mastering." did you notice it said MASTERING at the threads title? that means i want mastering advice, not spiteful comments about what i hear is this

im not curious to how they acheived the sounds on this mix, hell forget i posted it. im curious to common practices people have HERE in their master chain.
wait what? good gear and good source? a compressor? a limiter? really? cmon. wont someone give production tips in the thread under Production Tips?
i didnt say aything about my own quality. nor was i comparing it. i said this kinda of production makes me feel like im doing something wrong. as in "mastering." did you notice it said MASTERING at the threads title? that means i want mastering advice, not spiteful comments about what i hear is this

im not curious to how they acheived the sounds on this mix, hell forget i posted it. im curious to common practices people have HERE in their master chain.
wait what? good gear and good source? a compressor? a limiter? really? cmon. wont someone give production tips in the thread under Production Tips?

good luck getting advice on this forum you twat
You seem to be using the words 'mix' and 'master' quite interchangeably. It's worth defining which you're actually interested in learning more about, and then dropping the attitude before proceeding.
May I offer that it's not the plugins, but the knowledge behind how and why they work. Also, it's about having quality source material and knowing how to use your ears.

Yea, and the attitude you're offering in your first 2 posts on this forum aren't going to help, especially when asking about a subject that has AT LEAST 1 thread on the first page of the Production Tips sub-forum.
SO, simply put - i listed my plugs.
Secondly, stated my mastering is not up to par
third, I asked for help

so my expectation is a response from an individual with a tip on the specific plugins i have related to mastering.

So what you basically want to know is how to get Ozone 4 to give you a master that encapsulates Ted Jensen's decades of experience, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment and acoustics. Is that it?
this kind of mix makes me feel like when i master i do something wrong. i know some ME probably did this no doubt, BUT, that doesnt mean i cant learn how to master stuff for non label bands.

You seem to be using the words 'mix' and 'master' quite interchangeably. It's worth defining which you're actually interested in learning more about, and then dropping the attitude before proceeding.

translation. this type of mix is simple mix. a type of mix i can achieve in style. therefore i feel when i listen to mixs like psychosocial and how they sound like mine but fllattened, i get a feeling there is a common error in my mastering. so i posted what i used, and im hoping for positive interactions and informative information.
good luck getting advice on this forum you twat

another thread like this. first post demanding answers on how to achieve a certain sound and getting pissy when they don't get a miracle torrent cure.

if your here to learn something man, then by all means stay, but bare this in mind

" If you are given advice by a veteran engineer that doesn't sit well with you, hold it for a second. Sit with it and chew it over a few times. Consider the situation, review whether you revere their work, or just plainly respect their work ethic. Not all veteran engineers need to command your respect, but if they are doing better work than you are then pause for a moment. If you cannot gain anything beneficial from it immediately then ask follow-up questions, and DON'T be confrontational about it. Ask so that you may gain the insight needed to understand the wisdom.

Certainly if I had appeared to myself 5 years ago and outlined my current working methods, I wouldn't have understood a thing. Sometimes age and experience are needed to accept and understand certain truths. So before reacting brashly and perpetuating the nimrodic cyber-culture created by hormone imbalanced teens, think about what you are doing. Think about whether you are attempting to prove a point to satisfy your own ego, or whether you are throwing away helpful advice given to you in kind spirit."
So what you basically want to know is how to get Ozone 4 to give you a master that encapsulates Ted Jensen's decades of experience, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment and acoustics. Is that it?

dude im asking you for help. and all youre saying is i cant live up to anything.
another thread like this. first post demanding answers on how to achieve a certain sound and getting pissy when they don't get a miracle torrent cure.


i didnt demand anything, and im still not. im not calling you guys out like you are me. im asking for help. why are you cutting off my balls?
Wait.....Do you have two usernames on here?

dude im asking you for help. and all youre saying is i cant live up to anything.

And Ermin said nothing like that. He's making a point, and to be blunt, he's someone you should listen to. The guy knows his shit, for sure.