research and read this forum, theres only so much we can tell you to get "that" sound.. its all in knowledge
an do moar than buying what you hear is the best around.
do more than pressing buttons and evaluate your mixes.. but comparing what you have to this is probably never going to happen.
totally the wrong attitude dude.
I don't really think anyone here really know what you want to know.
and to be honest what it seems that you're asking is pretty vague.

so how about this. sit back and spend some time reading some threads first. spend some time in the rate my mix section and listen to what people are doing and inquire about the chains that they're using if you hear something you like.
spend some time researching products. have a specific question about a product, try to find the answer via google or this forum. still can't find it? make a post.
spend time reading articles on mastering if that's what you're trying to learn. but it appears that you're trying to learn both mixing and mastering. in which case I'd start with mixing.

we can't give you a list of life-changing gear.
gear is only as good as it's user.

once again. no one here hates you or doesn't want you to succeed.
we just want you to do a bit more footwork before you ask the types of questions you're asking.

good luck dude!
totally the wrong attitude dude.
I don't really think anyone here really know what you want to know.
and to be honest what it seems that you're asking is pretty vague.

so how about this. sit back and spend some time reading some threads first. spend some time in the rate my mix section and listen to what people are doing and inquire about the chains that they're using if you hear something you like.
spend some time researching products. have a specific question about a product, try to find the answer via google or this forum. still can't find it? make a post.
spend time reading articles on mastering if that's what you're trying to learn. but it appears that you're trying to learn both mixing and mastering. in which case I'd start with mixing.

we can't give you a list of life-changing gear.
gear is only as good as it's user.

once again. no one here hates you or doesn't want you to succeed.
we just want you to do a bit more footwork before you ask the types of questions you're asking.

good luck dude!

There it is.
Wow, someone isn't a happy camper.


Why you mad though?
I think what everyone is getting at that you don't seem to understand is that no one can tell you how to use the plugins you have at your disposal to get those results. You aren't Ted Jensen, you don't have his gear or room.

As short as your fuse seems to be with the replies people have given, something tells me that you aren't one to dig deep and learn/find the tools and tips to further you mixing OR mastering.

As far as the plugins go, IMO Ozone 4 can give great results, and the SSL pack is awesome to me. But without hearing your mix, knowing your level of knowledge and numerous other things, I don't see how anyone can really give you some easy answer on how to use those plugins to get a master like the one you've referenced. It doesn't even make sense to ask.
Plus, I really don't enjoy the production on that album a single bit, I think that album totally killed the whole "Slipknot" sound after having such a unique sound in their previous albums, specially drums, man they almost sound like they're fucking programmed, like Jordison was just sampled and edited to death when there is really no need and his drums are a huge part of the Slipknot sound

Plus, what everyone else said, AND why on earth do you have two usernames? you could (should) get banned for that
What everyone here is saying is that Ozone is not going to give you those results. It probably wont even get you close honestly. In order to get that type of quality mastering its going to take:

1. Time
2. Patience
3. Good ears
4. Properly treated room

We arent saying that you suck at what you do, what we are saying is there is no magic setting that is going to give you that sound. If you are not expecting a magic setting then I would suggest being more clean in what you are asking. none of us know here exactly what the mastering chain was but we can take guesses based on our experience. I can assure you that Ted wasnt using Ozone to master this. 98% of it is probably all outboard gear.
Not to be a dick .....

Ok I lied ... I am being a dick. When the fuck did this thread become about the Dimmu album?

So STFU already. The day Ted says he used Ozone on it, I will believe it. But I cant for the life of me see him use a couple hundred dollar plug in when hes got a billion and a half dollars worth of classic comps, limiters, & EQ's

Oh, and the new Dimmu sounds nothing like the Slipknot CD.
Not to be a dick .....

Ok I lied ... I am being a dick. When the fuck did this thread become about the Dimmu album?

So STFU already. The day Ted says he used Ozone on it, I will believe it. But I cant for the life of me see him use a couple hundred dollar plug in when hes got a billion and a half dollars worth of classic comps, limiters, & EQ's

Oh, and the new Dimmu sounds nothing like the Slipknot CD.

Dude....they're sneap quotes

the important thing is that you have to know what you are doing. even the best equipment won´t give you the best possible master.
i´m pretty sure that most of the people around here (including myself) won´t do a better mastering job even with ted jensen´s gear in his acoustically well treated mastering suite.
it doesn´t matter if he uses ozone or not. his masters will always be better as he has much more experience and i guess a better ear.

i wanted to show that if you know what you are doing you can easily get great results with "low cost equipment". and that´s what andy confirmed by using ozone for his mastering of dimmu.

in addition, i believe that the big mastering guys will be delivered great mixes so there isn´t much to be done in the mastering stage. the most audible difference will be loudness compared to the mix.