what we are saying is there is no magic setting that is going to give you that sound. If you are not expecting a magic setting then I would suggest being more clean in what you are asking.

As far as the plugins go, IMO Ozone 4 can give great results, and the SSL pack is awesome to me.

thank you all for clarifying. there was quite some misunderstanding though. i just feel like because im a new member, i get treated like i know nothing. which isnt the case necessarily . i know theres no magic buttons on anything. no magic anwers for any questions. no quick fix to anything. with the video, i just gave reference to something i thought was mastered translucently. its good.

in reference of good material, i was simply stating i personally dug it. nothing more. i wasnt saying give me answers to how they achieved what they did. i was trying to say, compared to grand stuff, my masters suck.

I love Ozone. If only for the Maximizer.

thank you ermz, maybe now i might try ozone, just for the maximizer
thank you nwright, maybe now i might use the api compressor just for compression.

these were things i was looking for. i just wanted some help with my personal chain. whether its order of my chain.

i wasnt trying to say i could acheive anything close to $100,000 worth of gears capable sound. i really didnt mean to piss people off, or to have you guys think i could just get answers for anything. im sorry.

my usual chain:

API Compressor... 30ms attack, 200 ish ms release for faster stuff. this is typical though. i find that if i already have a heavy mix, i might make the attack time faster/ play with the release. i go for 3 or 4 db of GR.

G clip. i haven't found any typical setting with this plug, for anything, im still experimenting. some advice to why oversample is good might help me. maybe i should eliminate this phase altogether. maybe just use it for really peaky mixes.

Ozone 4. I might apply a plateverb, maybe 2-3% wet. Then i will use the maximizer. I will play with the release setting too. I aim for anywhere between -5 to -12 RMS levels.

Im not happy because even though -12 rms is "low" compared to some other mixes, things just sound too flat. not squashed necessarily, its just theres no dynamics. So this might be something to automate, either in mixing, or mastering - or something to make happen in mixing is more extreme dynamics when the chorus pops in or a breakdown come in. Is automation a common thing in mastering if one should feel the need to do so? i feel like it would be easier in the mix, but possible in both stages. idk, ill post a clip of something soon.
FWIW, I mentioned the Waves SSL pack, not anything about API's.

And, IMO, at -12, it's unfortunately going to be pretty quiet compared to a lot of modern mixes. I know loudness isn't the only thing to consider...But I'd still consider it. I hear loud mixes all the time that don't sound flat to me. But I don't know if I'd call a mix with reduced dynamics "flat".

I like the limiter, the exciter and EQ in Ozone, and those are pretty much the only things I use currently. I think I could like the MB comp, but the layout and GUI is somewhat distracting and foreign to me so I find myself not using it much. If I need MB comp, I'll generally either use my Finalizer or Waves C4 (which I like) or LinMB (which I really do not like).
I love Ozone. If only for the Maximizer.

I read in another thread that you like to mix into the maximizer.
Does this mean you mix and master at the same time, or do you just mix into the maximizer to approximate the effects that mastering will have on your mix?

If its the latter, do you find that your mix sounds "weird" without the maximizer?

Im new to the forum, but have been reading for quite some time.
Thanks for all the info!
I read in another thread that you like to mix into the maximizer.
Does this mean you mix and master at the same time, or do you just mix into the maximizer to approximate the effects that mastering will have on your mix?

If its the latter, do you find that your mix sounds "weird" without the maximizer?

Im new to the forum, but have been reading for quite some time.
Thanks for all the info!

I always slap on a Maximizer of some sort when im beginning to get finished with a mix. Just to see so that the snare transients don't get buried etc. A good mix should sound the same (with some even-out effect) with or without a maximizer.
if the mix is good, you can get a "decent" master with waves awfull L2.

There is NO stage in audio were you can make gold out of shit. There is no I fix this in editing-stage, mixing-stage, mastering-stage.

Shit is Shit.

So to you question.
1.Get a well balanced mix
2.Reference your mix with pro-mixes, to get the feel for the right mix decisions. People with a guitar-backround tend to mix guitars way to loud.
Same goes for drummers....

If tracking and mixing is all good to go.
Try this with your setup:
Waves api comp:
+4dB Threshold
Ratio 2:1
Slowest Attack and Fastest release
Oldmode (!!!!)
disable auto-makeup gain.

Now the api comp works like a soft-clipper.
With the manuel makeup gain you can push the mix up. Maybe up to +10dB

Do this with Ozone active after the waves api comp.

I dont have ozone, but use it like a limiter, to get the last 0.4dBfs headroom

no you should have a mastering somewhere near industrial levels, which doesnt destroy your mix too much
1. Download Ozone 6.248761 from your favorite pirating website and be like all the other cool kids who like to fuck over this industry.
2. Turn on the Slipknot preset from the preset menu for teh br00tz
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!

its really that simple.

(Holy shit I need to sleep)
Give him a break man. Just because he has 3 posts doesn't mean that all his stuff is cracked. All he did was that he asked for guidance on mastering. Not a bad thing IMHO. Yeah he could have done a search but at least he didn't ask for da presetz or anything like that. Just saying.
While we're on this, do you guys generally get better results with individual plugins like ssl and such or with mastering suites like TRacks3, Ozone, etc?

And if you use TRacks, I need the preset Mr. Jensen uses for all of his stuff.