Mastodon - I'm in the dark here


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
So I've got a shitty headache and I threw on Leviathan. I'll come back to it later me thinks....

OK I might be going nuts, because everyone here (in all walks of life) seem to agree on Mastodon being great, no? Can someone tell me why this is the 'greatest metal album or band' blah blah?

And for those who don't really like Mastodon, tell me why.

I need someone else to do some thinking tonight please. :loco:
I like Mastadon, but I think a lot of people tend to give them Opeth-like praise a lot of times.
I had Remission around the time it came out, and it was nothing special. It had too much of a core/rock sound for me.
JayKeeley said:
On the sticker on the front cover...

"Mastodon are the second coming of Metallica and Rush combined".


Ooops. :p

They are over-rated. I liked Remission a bunch but the latest is not growing on me at all.
This is my album of the year. Its hard to put into words what makes it so good. Its just a huge album, well done in all areas. Its technical, good melody as well as crunch, great production, etc. Its genre crossing too, which is a big deal for me. I can't get enough of it, and can't wait to see them next month w/ Slayer, even if I do have to endure Killswitch.
From the Terrorizer review:

"They are the only band who manage to integrate so seamlessly their technicality and progressiveness into what in the bottom line calls for everybody, be it trad metalists, mathcorists, doomsters, black metallers, and even indie types - to headbang in unison. I can see the ocean of bobbing heads all the way from Black Sabbath to Fantomas."

9/10 - Album of the Month
Writer - Avi Pitchon
J. said:
well, whether you like them or not, they are original, and it is hard to define their music.

i'll agree. as for what I think... definitely not the best album ever.. but It is absolutely fantastic. Good enough for me to buy the limited edition press and a shirt. Very original stuff, and I'm very excited to see them live in November.
Actually i never heard someone calling "Leviathan" "THE BEST ALBUM EVER 1!@!@!", or Mastodon "THE BEST BAND EVER 1!@!@!@@@@"...
Mastodon's music for me is one of th purest, authentic and original incarnations heavy metal has in the 21st century. Its strong,original, powerfull, melodic, intense, imaginative, full of inspiration .. they have it all. It's hard to have influences from so many things and create something totally unique, and they are masters on that. Their music deserves to be praised. I totally agree with what the Terrorizer guy wrote.
IOfTheStorm said:
Actually i never heard someone calling "Leviathan" "THE BEST ALBUM EVER 1!@!@!", or Mastodon "THE BEST BAND EVER <A href="mailto:1!@!@!@@@@"...[/quote">1!@!@!@@@@"...

Perhaps not, but it gets pretty fucking close at times.

Mastodon's music for me is one of th purest, authentic and original incarnations heavy metal has in the 21st century. Its strong,original, powerfull, melodic, intense, imaginative, full of inspiration .. they have it all. It's hard to have influences from so many things and create something totally unique, and they are masters on that. Their music deserves to be praised. I totally agree with what the Terrorizer guy wrote.
So just out of interest, how much -core music do you listen to generally? You like stuff like Neurosis and what not, right?
I hate almost everything that has the description "-core". I like Neurosis VERY much, but not their core-ish albums, but their recent ones. And Isis too, but they are i cannot consider them to be .. "core". The new Isis is a masterpiece
IOfTheStorm said:
And yeah , Mastodon are not core at all. Just heavy metal.
I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "heavy metal". Typically people refer to traditional metal bands as "heavy metal". I guess I don't know exactly what core is (and neither does it matter) but for absolute unequivocal certainty, there is nothing traditional about Mastodon. It is an absolute acquired taste.
And yeah , Mastodon are not core at all. Just heavy metal.
i beg to differ ... not sure on Leviathan, but on Remission the vocals ... oh those vocals ...