Mastodon Thoughts?


The Ancient Metalhead
Dec 30, 2004
Indianapolis In USA
I know this is mostly a classic metal and power metal forum but does anyone like the last 2 mastodon cds? I am really impressed with the psychedelic, jamminess of Crack The Skye. Discuss:Smokedev:.
Haven't listened to their new album much yet, but know their prior couple pretty well. I can't figure out why they get so much attention & critical acclaim... Mastodon falls into the "good but nothing special" category for me.
I have all thier albums except 2006. Plus a few demo mp3s. I don't have anything bad to say about them. They are a hell of a lot better than most bands praised on this board. I like the new album, but I have to admit not as much as their older stuff.
Hey, yeah, I mean a few of us spoke about CTS when it was first released. I liked Leviathan, was not thrilled with the production on BM, but for some reason CTS just clicked for me. It is album of the year right now, for me, and I'd be shocked if anything passes it up.
Mastodon is probably the best American metal band right now, in my eyes. The new one rules, and I agree with whoever said they get better with each release.

Also, I think it's more than legit to post about them in old-school since their stuff is much more influenced by old-school than anything else. They are rooted in the past, but with a brave foot in the future.

Mastodon - so very good.

Oh, and I have a hard time believing anything will knock Crack the Skye from my #1 spot before the year closes, we'll see though. Really looking forward to the new Goatwhore and Megadeth, plus the Lamb of God, Candlemass, and Heaven and Hell albums are great. Mastodon tops 'em all though.
Mastodon is probably the best American metal band right now, in my eyes. The new one rules, and I agree with whoever said they get better with each release.

Also, I think it's more than legit to post about them in old-school since their stuff is much more influenced by old-school than anything else. They are rooted in the past, but with a brave foot in the future.

Mastodon - so very good.

Oh, and I have a hard time believing anything will knock Crack the Skye from my #1 spot before the year closes, we'll see though. Really looking forward to the new Goatwhore and Megadeth, plus the Lamb of God, Candlemass, and Heaven and Hell albums are great. Mastodon tops 'em all though.

You know bruv I agree with you I love the Heaven and Hell album but the Crack the sky has got something about it

and I think it will not be beaten for album of the year

it was me that said they just get better and better :kickass:OK BRUV
Actually, it's cool to see so many here getting into Mastodon. That wasn't the case so long ago. I admit that you either get it or you don't with them. When I first heard Remission I really didn't know what the fuss was all about, even though I admit I only heard it once in someone's car, while we were having a conversation. I subsequently, "tried," to get into them a couple other times. When I read nothing but good reviews for Leviathan I thought, "Okay, I really must be missing something here," so tried again. It clicked.

It takes a moment to get their's like one of those hidden-picture-squiggly-posters you have to stare at, and then you see the picture. When it comes into focus, you're thinking, "holy shit."
Actually, it's cool to see so many here getting into Mastodon. That wasn't the case so long ago. I admit that you either get it or you don't with them. When I first heard Remission I really didn't know what the fuss was all about, even though I admit I only heard it once in someone's car, while we were having a conversation. I subsequently, "tried," to get into them a couple other times. When I read nothing but good reviews for Leviathan I thought, "Okay, I really must be missing something here," so tried again. It clicked.

It takes a moment to get their's like one of those hidden-picture-squiggly-posters you have to stare at, and then you see the picture. When it comes into focus, you're thinking, "holy shit."

I guess I'll have to try listening to Crack the Skye again & see if I have that moment of clarity.
awesome musicians
vocals not the best(for me), par for the course with more recent bands
drummers a bit too hyper on the snare but damn good at what he does
Listened to CTS, pretty good stuff but nothing amazing - pretty unique though so I respect them for their creativity. With these guys, it's sorta like I'm listening to Dream Theater - there's a lot of interesting parts and great musicianship but it has yet to come together in the form of a long coherent song that absolutely blows my mind.
I dont think they are overrated, a word I detest anyhow, but regardless with their musicianship its not possible to "overrate" them. I also think their compositions (musically) are awesome, "amazing", I'd like to see someone else put them to shame. Musically they are right up my alley as I have been into Dream Theater since 92 or 3 and into Symphony X since around 2000 when I finally discovered them. Mastodon is not exactly like either band though I consider them quite progressive. Where many other progressive bands are clearly heavily inspired by DT and SX. I give these guys alot of credit for being creative, rather than clone like.